The Nice Plane Ride

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The plane took off and I swear Ronnie was hyperventalating because between us an the boys was just one row of seats. I can understand how happy she is at the moment because she has never met a famous person before. But they are also her idols. She looks up to these crazy people. I've got to say that they are pretty hot and I like their music, but I prefer dubstep.

Once the seatbelt sign went off and we were allowed to walk around and all that stuff, Ronnie quickly unbuckled her seat belt and stood up. "No!" I whisper yelled before pulling her back down quickly. She made a huge THUD noise and a bunch of people turned to look at us. I smiled at them before turning to Ronnie. "So not happening on this plane," I said through my teeth as I fake smiled at her. "You stay put or I will get you tied to this chair."

"BUT!" She yelled at me. This made everyone to turn and look at us. Even the boys. Oh shit.

"Sit down and act like a good little girl and I'll let you go talk to them later." I whispered in her ear.

She beamed at me, "Okay!" Why can't she be quiet?

I returned to my regular sitting position and pluged my ear phones in my ears before blasting music in my ears. I tried to act like nothing happened and all the other passengers just shrugged it off before going back to what they were doing previous to my friends out burst.

Half an hour later my friend was snoreing as if she was never to snore ever again. She always snores like that. The bossy flight attendat came up to me and poked me before I hastily took out my ear buds. "Yes?" I asked her with a little of annoyance.

"Passengers are complaining about your friends snoreing." I looked at her name tage and it read 'Beth'.

I raised my eye brow at her, "What do you want me to do about it?" Was she serious. Bonnie is sleeping peacefully and shouldn't be awoken.

"Not my problem, just get her to shut up or be quieter." Beth snapped at me. Bossy flight attendat she is.

"Well sorry, but I don't see how I can stop someone from snoreing. She is sleeping peacefully and I'm not going to disturb her." I'm pretty sure everyone with-in a 10 seat radius heard me.

Beth scowled at me, "She cannot be making noise like that in first class."

I smiled, "And flight attendants are supposed to be nice in first class. I guess we all are just not following rules today."

She huffed before stomping off to the little place where flight attendants always go. I have no idea where it is. Honestly I don't care. I listened to Ronnie's snoreing for a little while longer till a voice beside me made me jump two feet in the air. And all they had to do was say "Hey."

I turned to look at them and my eyes widened, "Uh..." I said as stupidly as I could have.

Louis and Harry laughed at me, "What's your name?" Louis asked.

 "Uh.. Starla..." I said with an open mouth.

"Well Stara," Harry smiled at me. "We think that you should get to know each other better." He winked.

Louis elbowed him, "That's not why we came over here." He hissed at Harry, "We wanted to congradulate you and your friend oon pissing off the fligh attendant."

I laughed, "Really?"

Thye both nodded. Louis took out his hand for me to sjake, "My name is Louis of One Direction and you are offically my friend."

"And I'm Harry," He winked. "We can be more then friends if you'd like."

Louis elbowed him again, this time harder and I started to laugh. These two were really funny. Now I can see why Ronnie likes them so much.











Sorry that its kinda short. I wanted to upload it, but I didn't kno what to write. Next chapter will be better, promise.

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