Not a good day today...

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Ronnie POV

One minute I'm agruing with Zayn, the next I've run off becasue I can't take it any more and the next Starla is screaming like her life depends on it. I've never seen her so broken since we first met... but I can't say anything about that.

I rubbed her back as she cried and eventually she just fell asleep. The guys all sat around outside the little hut waiting to see what happened. As soon as she was out I left the hut and joined the guys outside. "So do you guys know what she saw?"

They were all looking towards the ground and wouldn't answer my question. Well, I guess it must have been pretty bad then. 

"Whatever, I guess that-" I started talking but Liam cut me off.

"Yea, we are going to make another hut on the other side of the island becasue none of us want to be around what she saw in the bushes..." I stared at him wide eyed, it must have been really bad then.

the boys all grabbed all of our stuff except for a few coconuts and said they would send someone back to lead us to where the new hut is going to be by tomorrow evening. They thought about it for a while and left us some sissors too so that we could get fish or something because Starla is really good at surviving in the wild and none of us are.

Starla didn't wake up for what seemed like hours after the guys had left and when she did she complained that her head was hurting. I opened a coconut and gave it to her then found a banana and she had that too. She looked really bad so I tol her to go and wash off in the ocean but not to swim off very far.

I watched her walk off then went into the hut and noticed something the guys left behind. The grumpy flight attendant. Great.

I left the hut again and kept an eye on Starla who seemed to be really on edge. After a while she decided to come backa dn I heard some noices comign from the hut. Oh great, the she-devil is awake...

I stood up an dwent to the entrance of the hut. Beth looked up at me, "where the hell am I?"

I shrugged, "on an island."

She stood up super fast and almost fell over. I surprisingly caught her, "easy there, you've been out for a couple of days. Just sit for now."

I set her back on the ground and walked out to get a coconut and saw Starla there. She looked at me weirdly, "boy have a plan, Beth just woke up." She sighed and helped me opened the coconut then muttered something about going to look for fruit or something then walked off.

I brought the coconut to Beth and helped her drink it till I got annoyed. "So do you want to know whats going on?"

She egerly nodded her head.

"Well, the plane crashed-"

She cut me off, "what!?"

"Let me finish!" She rolled her eyes but let me continue, "you me, Starla, Liam. Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis are so far the only surviors that have popped up on this island here and we don't know of any civilization anywhere close to us."

She looked sadly sat her half draken coconut, then it turned to anger, "I can't be stuck on this fucking dester island with a bunch of stuck up kids!" She screamed and stood up only to start running towards me. I screached and tried to run away from her but tripped and she landed on top of me.

I heard her give out a battle cry and she shoved my face into the sand. I got a mouth-full of sand and she lifted my head only to slam it back into the ground. When she lifted it up again I could feel the blood comign from my nose. I spit out the sand and tried to get a breath in but she didn't let me becasue she slammed my head into the ground again.

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