Why Us?

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In the course of 45 minutes that Ronnie has been awake, we have pissed off all the flight attendants, and all the passengers. Score one for us! So let's just say that we are on everyone bad side in the entire vicinity of first class. And it's pretty damn awesome. I never knew that going back to the hell hole I once called home would be so much fun. These boys sure know how to brighten your day.

"Guys," Louis yawned. "I can't keep my eyes open anymore."

Seeing him yawn made me yawn. "I say we have a sleep." Liam suggested.

We all nodded and moved back to our original seats. Well almost. Niall ended up beside me and Harry was sitting beside Ronnie right in front of us. Well then. Niall smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He offered me a blanket which I gladly took from him. We didn't exchange any words before the lights were dimmed in the cabin, but I could tell that he wanted to say something.

I closed my eyes and leaned back in the seat. There was some shuffling in front of me, but I wasn't paying attention to it. I had an early rise this morning and all I wanted to do was sleep right now before I got the lecture from my lovely parents.

I heard Niall leaning over from beside me and felt his breath on my ear. I tried my hardest to stay awake to hear what he said before I fell into dream land. After a minute or so he whispered, "I think you're beautiful."

Is swear my cheeks heated up a little bit, but he wouldn't have been able to tell. He leaned away from me and got comfortable in his seat before I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.



"Starla! Wake up!" Someone was shaking my shoulders violently as my alarm clock went off. Who the hell turned on my alarm? I thought I was supposed to be on vacation! And why the hell would they be trying to shake me awake? Nothing should be that important.

"Starla!!! Come on!!" Who's voice was that anyways? Why does he have an accent? Why is my alarm clock so loud?

I slowly pried my sleepy eyes open to see a blonde haired boy in front of my face. There was lights flashing everywhere and I suddenly remembered where I was. On an airplane. The boy in front of me was the one and only Niall Horan.

"What's happening?" I asked him while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

He sighed deeply, "ummm, well the right engine is on fire..." He spoke slowly seeing if I could comprehend what he said.

After a moment it clicked, "We are all going to die..." I whispered my eyes filling up with tears.

"No! We are not going to die!" Niall grabbed both my hands and made me face him, "Everything will be perfectly fine."

His words weren't really helping because I could see behind him through the window. The whole wing was on fine. My mouth slightly opened as I my gaze looked past the guy in front of me. He realized where I was staring and turned my head so I was looking into his eyes. "Hey, I'm here for you. You're going to be fine."

I slowly nodded and a few tears ran down my cheeks which he whipped away gently. He pulled me into a hug and I could hear Ronnie in front of me being comforted by Harry. "RONNIE! I LOVE YOU!" I yelled towards my best friend.

Her head turned and I could tell that she had been crying for some time now, "I love you too, Starla." She said in a small voice.

She was my family when my real family didn't want me. She was like a sister and an over protective older brother all at the same time while still being the bestest friend anyone could ask for. We reached out our hands and entwined our fingers. She was still hugging Harry and I was still hugging Niall. Why did this happen to us? What did I ever do? I've had a horrible life and no one on this plane deserves to die like this. No one.

"PLEASE BRACE YOURSELVES FOR IMPACT!!!!" The capitals voice came over the intercom. I don't know what happened after that. All I remember was my blurry vision of my shoes before I blanked out. My hand was no longer holding Ronnie's and Niall was no longer hugging me.

I felt alone for the first time in four years.

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