confusion is all i feel

713 21 18

(A/N:I wasn't planning on updating, there's just so much in my life also it didn't seem like you guys were enjoying it. However i saw your guy's comments and they brightened up my day, so ill continue updating until someone tells me to stop. I do respect and love everyone that wants to read my terrible story. Thank you all.)

Me???? You think as you feel a sharp jab in your side.

Of course the jab hurt but your mind was to preoccupied to register all the pain.

This didn't go unnoticed tho.

Kazuichi watched as he pulled his screw driver out of you, you barely even flinched.

Mad about how his effort to hurt you barely even fazed you he started repeatedly hitting you with his hammer but again all he got was tiny jolts as every hit couldn't break your concentration.

Kazuichi stood there frozen growing more and more angry.

'He hurt you, he abused you, yet not a single tear' "HOW" he yelled as he started pacing the room while tugging on his beautiful pink hair.

"HOW ARE YOU NOT FAZED,WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO FEEL THE SAME PAIN I FEEL" he yelled as he stopped for a minute, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he dropped to his knees and started hitting the floor.

'I did this?' You thought as the thought of you hurting kaz passed through your mind.

At this thought your eyesight became more and more misty as you looked over to where kazuichi was.

Under his breath he kept mumbling something.

However because of his tears you couldn't make out a word of it just his silent sniffles that carried the room.

His crying slowed as you heard something thump against the ground. You were about to see what it was but your actions where cut off by the smell of gasoline.

As your panic started to show you heard a chuckle that turned into a giggle that turned into the most psychotic laugh ever made.

Fear is all you felt as your jail cell opened and closed again.

As kazuichi started walking away you finally heard what he was saying through his tears.

"You took away my life when you killed y/n now i will take away yours" once you heard this your heart made butterflies.

'I was his life?' 'Through all these years he still loved me no matter what?' ' He felt the same w-' your thoughts were cut off as you felt heat get closer and closer to you.

'KAZ' you yelled as loud as you could. "Please listen to me" "kaz im sorry i left you, i regret that decision to this day""i was just afraid of you getting hurt please i would never want to hurt you" tears started to fall as you excepted your fate.

The fate of your going to die but worst of all your going to die with kaz hating you.

As the flames get closer you close your eyes rapidly.

Soon the heat goes away and something sharp is put to your cheek.

You open your eyes to see kazuichi holding a wrentch to your face as the other hand holding a lighter.

"How do you know all that" he chokes out as you see alittle hope sparkle in his eyes.

The hope that your really you, the hope that your alive.

As he stares you down you get an idea.

(Bruh i had no other ideas so this part is a bit disney)

you leaned forward and kissed him.

Gently of course but still startling him.

As soon as you lean back you see all the despair has drained and instead is that spark you so desperately missed.

That spark soon turned to tears as he realized what he had done.

"Im so sorry" he kept repeating through tears.

Its fine you said while cupping his face in your hands and pushing his hair out of his face.

"Don't worry i got you"

kazuichi x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now