sorry not sorry

268 12 13

(A/n was supposed to update this yesterday but my dumbass fell asleep)

You knew he wasn't bored he just didn't want to show you that he was interested but asking the question proved it.

A smile spread across your face again

" oh that's simple my friend."

After a few more hours of talking to your friends they had to go so nobody got suspicious.

'Its time' you thought as you called monokuma to your cell.

"Monokuma i need you"you whisper yelled. "Puhuhuhu why if it isn't our little despair child what can i do for ya"he said in his very annoying voice.

"I have a proposition for you" you state as the same sinister smile you had a few hours ago returns to your face.

"Im listening" "so you know how no one is killing,pretty annoying right?" "Incredibly" the bear says rolling his eyes.

"I can change that" this sentence clearly interested the bear as he looked at you influencing you to continue.

"If you let me out i will kill someone, not only will it be causing the despair of all the students but most likley the downfall of one of the nicest" you say sinisterly.

You were clearly enjoying yourself.

"But that is against the rules" monokuma pointed out.

"No its not, you made the rules just remove it and its not like i wont be returning to my cell i need them to think im innocent right?" The smile you were wearing soon migrated to his face.

"That's true. Fine you only have a day tho." "A day is plenty of time." Monokuma then disappeared and along with him the lock on your cell.

'Times up bitch.'

It was 9:47 at night meaning everyone would be in there cabins and the night time announcement would be going off soon.

You stealthily snuck out of your cell and headed over to the store for some supplies.

You needed rope,tarp,a chair,tape,a knife,clean clothes,and an blindfold.

After getting all of your supplies you headed to the abandoned building so that even if people woke up they couldn't catch you.

After setting up your masterpiece you needed the contestants. Difficult? Yes, but not impossible.

Walking over to the cabins you spot Sonia's on the far end.

As you approach her cabin you look in to see her passed out in bed.

You pick the lock and carefully put the blind fold on her as you lift her up into your arms.

"Huh.... Hey what are you doi-" you cut her off by knocking her out with the plant seeds you found in your old cabin.

'Damn be quiet we don't need everyone knowing our business.' As you walked out her cabin,you shut the door and started to head to kazuichi's cabin.

Looking inside you could see him in bed but tossing and turning like crazy.

'Tho i could watch him like that all day i don't have time' you bumped Sonia's feet against the door waking soda up immediately.

As you start speed walking away you start slowing down when your far enough that he can see you both but not see who you are.

You hear his door open.'ah yes good now be a good dog and fetch' you think as you walk into the abandoned building.

kazuichi x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now