i guess im the villian

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(A/n I'm so sorry I have not been updating in fact I don't have a good excuse but I will definitely try to update more often cause I really enjoy writing also THANK YOU ALL FOR 6K READS I love all of you anyway on with the story)


Im sorry but this is the only way" he then proceeded to shut off the tunnel with a pair of metal bars that looked like you were locked in prison.

Sadness didn't come this time only betrayal.

"Next time i see you kazuichi soda, your dead"


It's been a few weeks since you were locked up like dog, cut off from the rest of the island, treated like a criminal.


Cause you weren't registered.

'CAUSE I WASN'T REGISTERED?!' You thought as you threw a rock at the wall with all your might.

This has became a daily routine for you.

1. Throw rocks at wall while thinking about all the ways you were betrayed.

2. Bang head on bars for 2 hours while trying to forget that you were betrayed

3. Dinner time. Eat a little bit then hide away rest so the others think your healthy

4. Talk to Nagito and gundham about how you were betrayed and get help with revenge plan on kaz

5. "Sleep" when in all actuality your just thinking of ways to hurt Kazuichi till 8 in the morning.

Then start again.

This is your life now.

Is it pretty? No.

Is it ideal? DEFINITELY NOT.

Do you get a choice in it? No, so why fight it at this point.

There hasn't been many deaths since you first got locked up to now but there has been a few such as Mikan and byakyuas death and I think mahiro committed suicide or broke a rule of something cause she's also dead.

You don't know the details cause Kazuichi made monokuma add a rule saying you were never allowed out.

How he got this done you dont know but you do know that your freedom is poof gone.

Everyday that passed it became harder and harder to contain the earge to hurt someone.

You don't know why but it's like a voice in your head nagging you over and over and over again.

You feel like this earge has something to do with what monomi was talking about a few weeks ago.


Monomi: something went wrong

Unknown:what do you mean something went wrong, nothing can go wrong that can ruin the whole plan.

Monomi: I don't know but all I do know is her transition to the island wasn't as smooth as the others it might be cause she was conscious or something else but something went wrong, we can't generate her and she's acting sporadically if we don't find a way to fix this she will be worse than the ultimate despair herself.

The flashback gave you chills you still don't know if they were talking about you or someone else all you do know is that it's hard to contain the level of hate that burns inside you for Kazuichi.

You want to find the best way to hurt him and not just physically but emotionally as well.

You want him to feel betrayed, weak, vulnerable like no matter what he does he can't escape.

Your thoughts were cut short by a knock on your cell. The tiny clock that you were given reads 1:54 meaning its not dinner time and it's past lunch but it's also much to early for Nagito and gundham daily visit either.

You snap your head around to look at your cell to only see the person you loath more than anyone else on this entire planet.


You must have been able to hold back most your anger cause he looked scared not terrified.

"What do you want?!" You hissed, your words laced with venom and hatred.

" um ple-please let me just talk to you, you-you know one frie-friend to another. "

he was stuttering quite a lot which didn't surprise you seeing as what you did to him last time he came to visit you.

You glanced down at his arm seeing the large gash that you made with a sharpened rock almost completely healed now.

"Oh poor poor Kazuichi" you said with a fake voice laced with sugar so much one word gives you a cavity

. "What makes you think we're friends" you finish as you drop your voice to a death tone.

"L-listen y/n I a-apologized a million times for locking you u-up its just for the b-b-better of everyone if we know are biggest threat is locked up" he mutters our refusing to make eye contact.

He knows what he just said was a bunch of Bull crap but classic Kazuichi always wanting to be the hero.


Thats how you can be him back if he wants a villain you'll give him one.

Composing yourself you look back at your used to be crush.

"And you'll probably apologize a million times more before I forgive you.You say I'm the bigger threat but when I was out there NO ONE DIED!! But a few weeks of me being locked up and 3 have died. I'm not the threat you just feel threatened now that being said I have a rock so get lost."

Turning your back to Kazuichi you proceed to your bed.

feel Once you hear the anger stomping far away from your cell you release a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in.

A evil smile grew on your face as you remembered the plan you thought of mid convo with Kazuichi

"(chuckle) now this is going to be fun."


(Hey y'all I actually enjoyed writing this chapter and it turned out awesome if I do say so my self. If you guys have any feedback,ideas, future book ideas, or anything at all just comment. Anyway I hoped you guys enjoyed it I'll update again soon anyway love you all and byeeeeee"

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