the plan

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(A/n: HELLO!!!so i will be posting multiple chapters,yay!!!. If you have questions tell me in the comments. Remember non of what happens is in the game i dont like going cannon cause i like to go crazy on it:) anyway ill shut up ENJOY!!)


feel Once you hear the anger stomping far away from your cell you release a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in.

A evil smile grew on your face as you remembered the plan you thought of mid convo with Kazuichi

"(chuckle) now this is going to be fun."
Sitting in your cell all day can get boring but for the first time in a few weeks you had something to look forward to.

The plan that you thought up while talking to the traitor that you used to call a friend was so maliciously evil you couldn't wait to tell your best friends.

You don't know why you wanted them to go along with the plan because you weren't looking to get away with anything.

You just want to make him suffer.

Jumping up and down on your mattress you were overcome with excitement as the time rounded closer and closer to the time that you would be seeing your friends.

At this point in time it would be exactly 6 minutes and 27 seconds till you would hear the faint knocking on your cell as well as the slight tickle of gundhams hamsters crawling up your legs.

This is how you knew that your friends were here.

You guys came up with this method after kazuichis surprise visit 'didnt want that to happen again'.

The time finally came as you felt little paws climbing up your legs along with a small knock on your cell.

Whipping your head around so fast that you probably got whiplash you see a smiling nagito and Gundam holding a basket and a blanket.

You move closer to the bars so you can be closer to your friends.

As you sit down Gundam and nagito lay out the picnic and open your food latch slipping the basket into your cell.

" so what do you want to talk about" said Gundam with a very confused look on his face.

He right on your daily visits you guys aren't usually quiet.

" Fine I'll get to the point" you said as you roll your eyes in a playful manner

"So I came up with a plan for Revenge on kaz" you say happily as you try to suppress a smile.

" Does this plan of yours help bring hope to this world of despair "nagito says as he hugs himself

"That it does my dear friend and I'll tell you how" with those words you turn around and grab a peice of paper with writing all over it.

"So this is what's going to happen." you say as you point at the piece of paper making sure only the two boys can hear you.

" I don't want to just kill him." you deadpanned as you watched both boys look at each other confused.

" If you don't want to kill him then what are you going to do with him."Gundam asked clearly reading nagito head.

"Oh no no no you got me wrong" you begin at this point you're smiling like a jester. "I never said I wasn't going to kill him I just said I don't want to just kill him".

"Okay then what are you going to do to him." nagito asked clearly entertained by this whole thing just by how you were going to bring hope.

" I want him to lose something that he loves. Like he took from me. He took my freedom, my happiness, my life and threw me in the cell I want him to feel what I feel. I want him to feel hurt, I want them to feel betrayed, I want him to watch as everything he loves is stripped away from him."

The amount of joy you were feeling in this moment could not be masked. You try to calm down as you look over at your friends. Nagato is clear that he's enjoying where this is going as Gundam just looks unbothered by the whole situation.

" okay so you told us what you want to do to him but how are you going to do it" Gundam deadpanned looking bored.

You knew he wasn't bored he just didn't want to show you that he was interested but asking the question proved it.

A smile spread across your face again

" oh that's simple my friend."

(Sorry if this chapter sucked. I didnt want to just have the execution of the plan i needed some kind of explanation. Anyway new chapter in about an hour or so love yall byeeeee)

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