the sleepover

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The week was going well. Soda always had a way of making you feel happy and welcomed even when you were having a bad day.

You made other friends at the school as well such as sonia, peko, ibuki, and this girl from another class named celeste.

You guys were great friends, even though you were a little jealous at the fact that soda liked sonia and would constantly flirt on her. You don't know why but it made your heart ack every time he did.

But you don't hold that against sona, she doesn't know your feelings.

You don't even know your feelings anymore.

You were sitting in math class trying your very best to stay awake when you felt something slipped into the pocket of your hoodie.

You didn't want to suspicious so you just waited until after class to look at the object.

Timeskip( I've never done one mwahahaha , i now feel complete)

School was finally over. ( YES)

I told myself i would look at the object after math but those plans were postponed.

I had to go to the principles office because i was new he wanted to meet me, then i had english which i had no time to read the note ( yes you found out it was a note), now schools done for the day and you finally have time.

You leaned against the gate while you opened the nicely folded paper.

It had a royal embroidery on it so you knew sonia was the one that gave it to you.

As you opened it you read:

You are formally invited to my annual sleepover being held tonight at 6.

Don't worry about bringing anything i have supplied food, drinks and games.

I know its very short notice but i really hope you can make it.

It would mean the world to me to have my best friend there. Also remember to bring:



·nail polish

·day after clothes
                The address is : xxxxxxxxxxx

I hope to see you there, mwah xoxo byeeee.

                            Love: sonia nevermind

After reading that you couldn't help but smile.

A party?

I've never been to one before. And i cant believe she considers me her bff we've only known each other for less than a week but i feel  touched.

I looked at my phone for the time 5:34 is what my phone read.

' Shoot' i thought as i ran as fast as i could home.

I was not going to miss this opportunity to have fun. I've been down lately this would be a mood changer.

As you ran home you didn't notice your invitation flew out of your pocket.

?????? Pov:

I was walking to my house when i saw something laying on the ground.

'What the, an invitation?'

kazuichi x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now