whats going on?

451 14 23

The last words you hear before the door shuts behind you are "good luck your going to need it" what does that even mean?

You are about to ask what kiyoko means when everything goes pitch black.

By every passing minute you begin to forget more and more about yourself, as well as your past.

After about 15 minutes of the world spinning you have already forgotten everything, except your name, your age, and your ultimate talent.

As the spinning begins to slow down symbolizing the end of whatever this is you pass out.

The suns heat was beaming down on your face and cool water was touching your back however that is not what woke you up.

What woke you up was the feeling of something crawling on you.

And not just one, many little legs crawling all over your body which was freaky enough that is until one of the creatures pinched you.

Opening your eyes and sitting up as fast as you possibly could you made eye contact with a girl that was a little bit taller than you.

She had blonde hair that she kept in 2 pigtails and she wore a orange komono. She wore an evil smirk and in her hand she held a crab.

You looked on your lab to see many little crabs running around,trying to climb your clothing.

Then it hit you like a brick, this girl was covering you in crabs as you slept instead of being a kind human and waking you up.

You looked up at her and gave her a death glare making her visibly gulp.you started getting up, clearly getting ready to pumble her so far in the ground you could only see the top of her pigtails.

As you were all the way on your feet, the girl then proceeded to bend over grab some sand and throw it in your face before making a run for it the the opposite direction.

This little stunt of hers bought her some time. After the sand in your eyes stopped burning you were even madder.

Determined to hunt this kid down and destroy her bloodline.

You began running as fast as you could in the direction of the munchkin when suddenly someone grabbed your waist clearly trying to stop you from commiting murder on such a nice,peaceful, not at all violent island.

The person who stopped you had black hair with a streak of white running through it.

His eyes were both diffrent colors and one of his eyes had a giant scar on it.

To be honest he was pretty hot, but your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps walking towards you.

You whip your head around to see a guy with really messy white hair, a green coat, and really creepy greyish eyes walking towards you.

On the weird mans shoulder there you found the little brat who covered you in a bunch of six legged pests.

You immediately begin to get riled up again trying to charge at the girl.

Empathize on tried.

The man's grip on your waist just got stronger and it was quite obvious he was annoyed.

"Quit being so impulsive, mortal you are just going to cause trouble for yourself and others if you don't calm thy self." His voice was stern yet soft.

You sighed a deep breath and nodded your head.

Him taking this as you could handle yourself now released you and began walking to wherever it was that he was walking to.

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