Chapter 1

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First chapter of this story, hope you enjoy it!

Mommy and daddy told me to wait out here for them and that they would be right back. That was early this morning, it's getting really dark now, I don't think they're coming back.

I get up from my sitting position and start going in a random direction. I hug myself as I go because it's starting to get cold. I may only be five years old but I do know my chances of living right now are low.

I try climbing a hill to see where I am, maybe see some lights. I can't though because I can't see past the trees .

"MOMMY!" I yell at the top of my lungs in hopes that the higher place will help my voice travel.

"DADDY!" I yell again. My head turns in every direction in hopes someone will hear my voice and will find me.

I repeated this process for a long time, so long the sun was starting to come up.

"Mommy and daddy aren't coming," I whisper to myself, my voice raspy from the screaming. I watch the sun come up slowly and I start to feel myself get tired. I lay on the grass just below me not caring how cold it is, and drift off to sleep.




I wake up in a very beautiful place, much different from what home looks like.

"Hello little one," a voice says and I turn to see a glowing white being with blue markings on the front.

"Who are you, where am I?"I asked the beautiful being and the voice I heard chuckled.

"My name is Raava, I am the light spirit, and you are in the spirit world," she said and then she came a little closer.

"Sit down child, the news I am about to tell you might be better for you to take sitting down," Raava says and I sit on the grass under me.

"Destiny made a mistake little one, you were not supposed to be born in the time you were born in," she said and I had nothing to say, I was just confused.

"So what happens now?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

"You will become a spirit little one, you will be free to wander the earth and the spirit world," she says and then stops to let me take it in.

"People in the real world will not be able to see you, though there will be exceptions," she says and I shrugged. She stays silent and confused.

"You are taking this very well, little one," Raava says and I look down.

"I was already invisible a lot at home to everyone, so this doesn't sound so bad," I say with a smile.

"I wish it were that simple little one, you will also not age until the time you were supposed to be born comes, even when that happens you won't have your regular human body so you can't die. At least not for a very long time," she says and I can feel it all hit me then.

"Can't I just move on?" Referring to death, Raava sighed.

"I wish you had that choice, unfortunately, you are needed as you are," she says and I start crying.

"I know little one, we apologize for this," she says and I start to wipe away my tears.

"Do I have any spirit powers or anything?" I ask Raava.

"We have had a few humans throughout history become spirits, you child are the first to become one without actually dying. So we have no clue if you will or not." Raava replied to my question.

"Can you tell me what to do?" I asked her, pleading.

"What do you mean?" Raava asks and I start to fiddle with my fingers.

"Give me something to do..." I said and she nodded.

"If it's a purpose you want, find the person known as the Avatar. In your world most can bend one element, the Avatar can bend all four. The Avatar has my spirit within them so they will be able to see you," at least someone in the real world would be able to see me.

"Now child, why don't I give you a tour of the spirit world, showing you places to avoid and places that are safe," she said and I nodded and started to get up.

"By the way child, what is your name?" She asked as we started walking.

"I don't have a name because my parents never gave me one. They would always call me names that... I don't think we're nice," I said and there was silence as we kept moving.

"Well little one I guess you can choose your own name then, take your time," she said and I smiled.

Raava starts leading me further in the spirit world. I would get looks from spirits and I already know that there are some that don't accept me.

Raava told me I can find the avatar but I still don't know if I want to do that, what if the avatar doesn't like me? Or what if I get attached to the avatar... they will die and I will live.

I guess until I figure out who I am and why I am here, I really am just a Lost spirit.

Now I know what you're thinking "you have two other stories should you not be finishing them before moving onto something else" I had this idea and I wanted to get it out so bad. For those of you that read my other stories don't worry I am still updating them.

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