Chapter 4

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The friendship between the two was not to last though. Sozin took over earth kingdom territory and Roku was not happy about it. Roku stormed over to the palace and I was trailing behind.

"I've seen the colonies, Sozin, how dare you occupy earth kingdom territory!" Roku shouts at Sozin after bursting through the door.

"How dare you. A citizen of the fire nation, address your fire lord this way," Sozin says as Roku gets closer.

"Your loyalty is to our nation first. Anything less makes you a traitor," Sozin says, pretty much challenging Roku at that point.

"Don't do this Sozin, don't challenge me, it will only end badly," Roku says and there is a small silence in the room.

"It's over," Roku whispers, referring to Sozin's little uprising, and their friendship.

He starts walking away from Sozin but then Sozin sends a huge wave of fire towards Roku. I knew it would go right through me so I didn't move. I also decided not to get involved in the fight, Roku can take him no problem.

Roku appears behind him and air bends him to the other side of the room. He then earth bends so that Sozin is off the ground, and goes into the avatar state to destroy part of the palace.

Roku air bends himself up to Sozin to give him a warning and we both leave him up there.




It has now been twenty five years since that day and I can't believe Roku is seventy now, I am pretty sure I should be one hundred and fifteen years

I was walking around the spirit world while Roku and Ta Min slept. When I felt a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I returned to the material world and saw The volcano had erupted.

"Roku!!" I shouted and saw him and Ta Min running.

"Iris, make sure she reaches the boats!" He yelled and I made myself appear in front of her.

"Let's go!" I yelled and used my ability to control the air around us so we don't breath gas. Once I got her to a boat I was about to run back to Roku but was stopped.

"Please take care of him Iris," Ta Min says and I gave her a sad look.

"I will do my very best," I say and control the boat to push off.

Ashes falling, lava flowing, sides of the volcano crumbling, toxic gas, the dangers were everywhere and I fear for Roku's life right now.

When Fang arrived I felt relieved, and I hoped Roku would get on and fly away.

"It's alright Fang, get out of here I am fine!" He said and I shook my head.

"No you are not Roku! Why are we even trying to control the lava, we can't save the island. Let's just leave!" I shouted but Roku refused to listen.

He made another opening for the lava to go out but then the other volcano exploded as well. I was about to say that now we had to go but then Sozin appeared.

We then worked to try and keep both the volcanoes at bay. I manipulated the lava running off the side to go faster hoping to thin it out, making it cold and dry out.

"Don't breathe the toxic gas!" Roku shouts air bending the gas away but then a big one explodes in his face.

"Roku!!" I shouted and released energy making myself seen.

"Please help him, Sozin!" I shout at him but he makes a realization.

"Without you all of my plans are suddenly possible. I have a vision for the future Iris, Roku," he said then got on his dragon. I could not believe him, he just left Roku to die.

I turned off my energy and turned to him as he coughed. I wish I could comfort him but I would just go right through him.

"Iris," I heard him whisper and I looked at him as he coughed a little more. I start crying knowing that I am watching the person I saw grow up die. Roku... I watched his first birthday, I watched him become an amazing avatar, an amazing husband and a wonderful father. Now I am watching him die.

"You will stay till the very end right?" He asked me through his coughing and I nodded.

"Of course I will, don't be scared," I told him and he smiled sadly.

Fang showed up again and being the loyal companion he is he wrapped himself around Roku and I.

"Goodbye for now Roku," I whispered as we were covered in ash. I stayed sitting for a little while. Soon though I lift myself out of the ashes. I look down at the place Roku would be for eternity. I sat there until morning.




To say that I was sad and angry was an understatement. Kyoshi at least died peacefully, Roku could have lived if Sozin did not abandon him. I walked on the water over to Sozin's palace and started writing him something using my abilities.


I can't believe what you did out there. You just abandoned him and now he is gone. You are not worth what energy I have left to appear in front of you to tell you off. Just know that now you have to live with the guilt of killing someone that was once your friend. I hope you are happy with yourself.

I know that I didn't even have to put my name on it, he would know who it's from. I placed it on his throne and waited for him to walk in.

When he did see it he shook his head and sat down. He then burned the letter using his fire bending.

"I know you are still here Iris," he says and I manipulated the vases in the room to go flying and crash. For the fires to go out in the room and only leave one fire burning. I also made his upper robes tighten around him, not enough to stop his breathing, but I imagine it's extremely uncomfortable.

"I already know you won't kill me Iris," he says and I loosen the grip on his robes.

"There is something you should probably know, Iris. The world knows about you now, the spirit that helps the avatar. Everything you told me I told my guards to spread it around the world," he says and I sigh.

I don't know if the entire world knowing about me will be better off or not. Unfortunately I don't have much of a say in the matter at this point.

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