Nightime in a Tusken Raider camp, where a Tusken is cleaning the teeth of a Bantha with a gaffi stick. around the camp, and see many small tents set up. A Massif is following a Tusken Raider through the camp, as You; Mando and Cobb Vanth sit around a flickering campfire with several Tuskens, who are speaking to them in their Tusken language. As a Tusken stands up a higher rock and looks out, surveying the desert, while the Mandalorian speaks to the crowd around the fire in Tusken. The Child looks around, unsure about the conversation between the Mandalorian and the Tusken Raiders. A Massif looks at him and licks his lips, and the Child coos quite nervously. One of the Tuskens cracks open a black gourd, with his thumbs, and hands it to Cobb Vanth, and one to You, Black powder steams out of the top of it, as Vanth very reluctantly takes it. He smells it.
"What am I supposed to do with this?"
"You drink it."
You took a sip, and coughed
" It stinks, and the lady is dying."
"Do you want their help? She'll be fine."
"Not if I have to drink this"
One of the Tuskens begins angrily shouting at Vanth. As Mando speaks, the Tusken continues angrily talking.
" He says your people steal their water and now you insult them by not drinking it. They know about Mos Pelgo. They know how many Sand People you killed."
" They raided our village. I defended the town."
" Lower your voice."
" I knew this was a bad idea"
The Tusken angrily stands up in a confrontational stance, screeching out even louder. Your eyes widen a bit
"You're agitating them."
" These monsters can't be reasoned with!"
Vanth stands up himself to confront the Tusken. The Tusken continues arguing viciously in its native language, and Vanth quickly addresses it.
" Sit back down before I put a hole through you! I'm not going to say it-"
Very suddenly, Mando activates his flamethrower, causing a spiral of flame to erupt next to the two arguing people. They both immediately cease their arguing, and Mando stands up. The Child looks at the fire from his seat on the ground, squinting his eyes. Mando turns off the flamethrower and both Vanth and the Tusken look at him in surprise. You quickly tell the Tusken Raider something in the Tusken language.
"What are you telling them?"
" The same thing She'll tell you. If we fight amongst ourselves, the monster will kill us all."
The Tusken and Vanth slowly sit back down around the campfire. Mando then addresses them both , speaking in English, and gesturing in Tusken.
" Now, how do we kill it?"
*time skip*
It was morning, Cobb, Mando, You, and the child were riding Banthas as they were with the tusken's. You were happy as you sat in front of Mando petting the animal.
"I'll name you Ban.."
A hand reached down to your side, pulling you back
"Cmon don't get too comfortable."
You, the child, Mando, Cobb, and the Tuskens were on the side of a cliff. A tusken had macrobinoculars, watching another Tusken Raider slowly lead a Bantha on a rope towards the large cavern where the Krayt Dragon lives. Vanth, they were watching in suspense from the ridge above. One of the Tusken Raiders begins speaking to Mando in Tusken. He turns to Cobb Vanth to translate.
Light or Dark (Mandalorian X reader)
FanfictionBorn and raised in the dark side, trained to be an assassin, to become a Sith Lord but at the age of 13 for the title of Darth Nihilus, the first young female to ever have killed more then Darth Vader. But you were saved by three people, the night o...