Mando walked into the building as he saw four stormtroopers, there stood a man behind a desk.
"Greef Karga said you were coming"
"What else did he say?"
"He said you were the best in the parsec. He also said you were expensive. Very expensive."
"The assets-"
"It's two... "
Soon the door opens and Mando pulls out his weapon as did the storm troopers. The man stood up and walked around to Mando
"I apologize... Doctor doesn't... well please put your blaster down."
"If they put there down first." Said Mando
"It's four against 2-"
"I like those odds."
"Please stand down, and sit Mandalorian."
Mando sat down
"Go ahead. It's real. This is only a down payment. I have a camtono of Beskar waiting for you upon delivery of the assets."
"Alive. Both of them!"
"Yes. Alive. Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee."
"That is not what we agreed upon. I need them both alive."
"I'm simply being pragmatic."
"Let's see the puck"
"I'm afraid discretion dictates a less traditional agreement. We can only offer you a tracking fob."
"What's the chain code?" Asked Mando
Dr. Pershing gave Mando two tracking Fobs
"We can only provide the last four digits.
"Their age? That's all you can give me?"
"Yes. One is 50 years old. We don't have the age of the other assets. We can also give you last reported positional data. Between that and the fob, a man of your skill should make short work of this."
the Mandalorian gets up to leave
"The Beskar belongs back into the hands of a Mandalorian. It is good to restore the natural order of things after a period of such disarray, don't you agree?"
*time skip*
You stood chained up, to the dried out wall. You kept tugging and tugging but to no avail. You groan sliding down, your weapon... clearly somewhere among the rubbish in the place. But these damn scavengers or whatever there called made you wear such a ridiculous outfit. Of course you didn't mind but still you've worn it for so long. You then remembered the orb. Standing up you walk to it, and the shield opens. You smiled down at the creature. You pulled the chains again and on your last attempt you managed to pull it off chasing you to fall onto your butt. You stood up and rushed to the creature
"Don't worry little guy I'll protect you! "
It coos as it hugs your index finger.
"Let me find my-"
You heard blasts from outside and the sound of the metal door opening, you pressed a button hiding the creature and jumping over the counter. You closed your eyes only to feel one heart beat, and to hear to different sets of walking.
A droid.. you thought
You look up to see the Droid and another person who was wearing a helmet.
"Wait. They said 50 years old." He said
"Species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries. Sadly, we'll never know." Said IG-11
IG lifted his blaster and aimed it at the child
"No. We'll bring it in alive."
IG lowered his blaster and looked at Mandalorian.
"The commission was quite specific. The asset was to be terminated."
The sound of a blaster being shot was heard, you stood up
You jumped over the counter, going towards the ground you kicked your legs to hit the masked man and you stood up as he fell. He just groaned and fell. He propped himself up to see you. His hip started to start beeping faster... he noticed it was one of the Fobs.
"Your the other asset?"
You just noticed that he stared at you, maybe it was the outfit or whatever but you were in a fighting stance as chains were at your wrist.
"What happened to you?" He asked
"Who- who are you! You aren't going to touch him!"
You rushed to the pod and stood in front of it. Preventing him on moving forward
"Listen I'm not going to hurt you or the baby."
"How can I trust you!? What if your just like them?"
The masked man stood up, and held a hand out
"I'm not... I promise."
Someone was heard speaking a man threw a bomb at Mando, but he managed to throw it back and it got caught on the guy. Mando noticed that you didn't pay attention for some reason, so he grabbed you and jumped behind the counter with you as the whole place shook. You were On top of him and you could feel his heart beating.
"Are you okay?" She asked him
"I should be asking you that?"
He stood up and dusted himself off. He helped you up,
"Thank you...."
You opened the pod to reveal the creature as it looked between you two and cooed. You gave him your index finger as he gladly took.
"Cmon let's get you both out of here."
You nodded.
"Wait but first ! I gotta find my weapon!"
You looked around and the. You closed your eyes to see if you get the feel of your saber. Which you did since you managed to grab it. Once you held it you placed it on a hook by the sides of your hip.
"I'm ready- what- your pulling my chains- !?"
"Your a bounty."
"A bounty ? But I don't--"
Mando looked at you
"It's like you don't know what that is ?"
You stood in front of him.
"I still don't trust you yet. Don't try anything funny!" You hissed
Mando tilted his head
They began to walk..the pod following Mando.
"So what are you?" You asked
Mando ignored you.
"I'm Y/n Palpatine !-"
Mando stopped as did she,
"What did you say?"
Mando new the empire was gone... he then finally found the reason why they wanted you so bad. You started walking on the sand
"Can you walk like that-"
"I'll be fine I'm used to this heat."

Light or Dark (Mandalorian X reader)
FanfictionBorn and raised in the dark side, trained to be an assassin, to become a Sith Lord but at the age of 13 for the title of Darth Nihilus, the first young female to ever have killed more then Darth Vader. But you were saved by three people, the night o...