Mando was receiving a message from Karga he looked behind himself to find no one. But the child
"Mando, I've received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client. I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very antsy. Safe passage. You know where to find me." Said Greef Karga
The child held a metal ball in his hand and Mando noticed.
"It's not a toy." He says
He took the ball away and placed it somewhere, the door opens and You came in and sits down holding a blanket
"Weren't you sleeping ?"
"I figured you were lonely... so I came in here. No one should be alone, not even you"
Mando stood silent.
*time skip*
They arrived and was walking around, you were looking at all the different species that was around,
You got closer to Mando, showing your figure compared to him. Thing is mando felt eyes every where, he'd see that the people of the village stare at them both. They turned a corner and you got closer standing behind him. He stops causing you to stop as well... you then see a droid come out, and Mando shows them a chip. The doors open, before he entered you quickly grabbed his arm"Mandi... I don't like this. It feels wrong."
He ignored your statement and continued to go forward when they were stopped by Troopers. You tried to stay close but the troopers were behind you as kept pushing you. Upon entering another room one of them grabbed your arm
They placed a collar on you. You began to freak out, pulling at it.
"Don't touch her like that." Said Mando
Another door opens, and Dr. Pershing came in along with the client. Dr.Pershing scanned you and the child.
"Perfectly ! Your both Healthy! Marvelous !!!"
"Shut up." Growled a trooper
He bumped you with his gun. The client pulled out a tiny crate and opened it as inside was Beskar lots of it. You were a bit confused
"Such a large bounty for such small packages"
"Bounty ? ?" You questioned
"Yes my dear I hired this man to capture you-"
"We were targets...."
Mando looked at you, he saw the hurt in your eyes.
"My dear-"
"Your worse then the people who held us captive !"
You stepped forward but a trooper grabbed your arm and pulled you back.
"Don't touch me- I trusted you! I thought you'd take us to safety ! We were just a prize ! I hate you!" You yelled
Your eyes began to water.
"Why did I ever think you were different !-"
"Oh honey-"
"I'm not speaking to you!"
A trooper grabbed you again and hit you with the end of his blaster... you lost consciousness

Light or Dark (Mandalorian X reader)
FanfictionBorn and raised in the dark side, trained to be an assassin, to become a Sith Lord but at the age of 13 for the title of Darth Nihilus, the first young female to ever have killed more then Darth Vader. But you were saved by three people, the night o...