Chapter 13

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Tyler's POV
I felt a pain in my stomach. I realized that I had been kicked. I looked up to see who it was but I couldn't see very well.

"I told you I'd be back!" Said the voice.

I felt myself being picked up and then thrown. I landed with great pain. I groaned. After what felt for hours I could talk.

"W-where am I?" I said

"Shut up!" I heard that voice say with great attitude.

"Just tell her where we are cause you obviously know she won't shut the fuck up!" Said a girl-ish voice.

"Fine! We're at Alison's house aka mine too!" Clearly I was starting to see a whole lot better and saw Phillips and Alison.

I was tied up and the ropes were cutting into my wrists. I tried moving but I couldn't. I kept trying until Phillips kicked me real hard for me to stop. "Stop moving it'll only make it worse.."

"What do you mean worse?" I said

"Do you want to be killed or raped is what I'm basically asking Darlin !" He asked

I gasped and said "None you bastard!"

He untied me and then slapped me. He threw me onto the floor and I landed right by a glass table. I saw Alison and she picked me up. She smiled then gripped my shoulders tightly and threw me into the glass table.

"You have no ducking idea how long I've been waiting to do that!" She yelled at me.

All I could do was groan. After what seems like forever I got up and kicked Alison in the head. She turned around and tried to hit me but I blocked her. Phillips tried attacking me and I punched him in the face.

I ran to the nearest door and ran for my life. I didn't know where I was so I kept running until I found a bus stop. I found a call booth and I called Benny.

It rang for a minute. "Hello?" He finally answered.


"Yeah..who's this?"

"It's Tyler!"

"Tyler?! Where are you?!"

I looked around and saw the street I was on.

"Rosewood avenue. "

"Ok I'll be right there to pick you up....don't move!"

"Ok bye. "

I waited for 25 minutes and gave up. He never showed up, he promised he would show up! I thought. Then I saw Benny's mother driving In the car.

"Tyler come on!" I saw Benny getting out and calling me.
I got into the car and we sat in silence. I looked at Benny he was looking out the window. He seemed upset or worried. Mrs. Rodriguez had a soft face on. She seemed in a good mood. I decided to break the silence.

"Thanks so much Mrs. Rodriguez for taking time to pick me up!" I said. Finally.

"No problem dear anything for you!" She said

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