Chapter 9

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"That went pretty well" miyuki smirked

"We're never gonna hear the end of it from Azuma-san" Kuramochi snickered

One more game left and the Giant's will be victorious, they were exhausted after today's game and they would want nothing more than to sleep through the rest of the day.

"Hyaha! Did you see his face during that last inning?" The shortstop laughed

Todoroki was following not too far behind the two corner seido players when he noticed something, where the hell is sawamura? "Uhm... Miyuki-san? Kuramochi-san?" He said but it was left unnoticed

"I think his swing and miss face was hilarious" Miyuki grinned


"Nah that's nothing compared to when he got picked off by the idiot"


"Haha you know I might agree with you on that, I need a replay of that"


"Come to think of it, where is that idiot? Do you know where he went off to raichi?" Kuramochi asked

Raichi felt his right eye twitch, seido graduates are just too much, then again who is he to talk? He shook his head in response trying to quell his irritation.

"Should we go look for him?" Kuramochi turned his gaze to miyuki

Just as miyuki was about to answer a notification came from his phone, he reached into his pocket to find a message, he grimaced when he saw narumiya's name.

He would ignored that message but seeing the contents it was clear that he's going to kill mei when he gets his hands on him.

'We kidnapped your boyfriend 🤭

(Well not really he just went along with it) '

"Didn't we just exit the stadium? How in the world-" Miyuki groaned

The three decided to find that idiot and bring him back before the coach gives them extra practice time, and sure as hell they don't want that.

Miyuki exchanged a few texts with a certain blonde and found out that they were at a ramen shop nearby, as much as they want to stay and eat ramen it wouldn't even matter if they were going to burn all of that food with extra training.

"They're here!" An all too familiar voice exclaimed, of course narumiya would spot them.

And true to his words, sawamura was right there munching on a few crackers sitting in the middle of narumiya and Carlos.

"As much as we were like to join you, the coach would kill us if we dont make it back so if you excuse u- is that a dog collar?" Kuramochi asked noticing a red collar around sawanura's neck, and it wasn't any normal dog collar, it had a key lock on it.

"They won't take it off!" Sawamura whined

A reasonable hint of pink appeared on miyuki's face as he realized how fitting a collar on sawamura looked, he glanced at mei who gave him a 'you owe me' smirk on his face

Kuramochi dragged sawamura by his clothes as they hurried off to get back to their rendezvous point, before miyuki could follow mei tossed him a small key, yeah we know what that's for.

Miyuki sighed as he dug in his pocket and handed mei 2,000 yen before following his loud teammates leaving a smirking narumiya.

"MIYUKI KAZUYA! I SAW YOU HAVE THE KEY!! TAKE IT OFF!" Sawamura yelled pointing at him

"Stop shouting" Miyuki winced "and besides, why don't you consider this as punishment for letting a person like mei kidnap you"

The southpaw glared at him "it's not my fault! He threatened me!"

"Uh uh sureeee"

"I'm not joking!"

"With what exactly?"

"... "



"I can't hear anything you're saying"




Miyuki clutched his sides as he burst out laughing, even as an adult sawamura still hates natto? Glad to see he hasn't changed one bit.

"Oi! Stop laughing! Take this off me already! I can't play tomorrow looking like this!" Sawamura argued painting at the collar with a red face as he tries to change the topic.

The catcher stopped after roughly 2 whole minutes of laughing, he turned to sawamura with a smirk.

"And what if I don't want to?"

"Well you're gonna have to!"

"It's not like something as silly as a collar could be that bad, let's make a bet then" Miyuki's smirk grew wider "if you manage to keep the collar 5 minutes before the game tomorrow without any complaints then I'll consider taking it off"

"You better" Sawamura huffed flopping on his bed as he covered himself with his blanket, miyuki on the other hand watched in amusement.

Oh yeah he still has work to do

He turned his attention to his desk and started on writing some letters to send to his grandparents.

Looking at the clock it was now 10:16pm, he let out a big yawn as he stretched his shoulder and sighing in relief when the aching spot slowly went away.

Before going to bed his eyes instinctively glanced at sawamura, it might have been one of his greatest unintentional decision.

Sawamura was sleeping peacefully, blanket was now on the ground revealing the southpaw's physique, the red from the collar really stood out.

A picture or two wouldnt hurt.




He ended up taking 53.

Miyuki picked up the blanket from the floor and placed it over sawamura, the pitcher snuggled closer to his pillow in response.

Seeing sawamura up close like this can't be good for his mental health, why does his cheeks look so soft.

He gave him a little boop on the nose making sawamura's face scrunch up and then returning back to its relaxed state.

Why is this idiot so adorable?

"Mhmm... Bakazuya... Catch my... Pitches" Sawamura muttered in his sleep

And still a cheeky brat.

Miyuki sighed before turning off the lights and going to sleep, they had a big day tomorrow after all.

It may or may not be the game...

...something that has to do with the sleeping idiot maybe?

Who knows? 😉

Author note:

Is that 1.9k reads I see? Tysm again guys! This chapter was a little shorter than I would've liked but it's been a few days since I updated, school is back again and it's time for projects ;-;

Stay safe and good luck everyone!

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