Christmas Chapter

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"sawamura are you ready?" Miyuki called out to the southpaw pitcher

he waited for a reply from the golden eyed male "coming!" sawamura shouted as he rushed out the room while still trying to put his jacket on

"come on, everyone already went ahead. Geez how can you be so slow? " Miyuki teased

sawamura shot him a quick glare "you're also to blame for not waking me up!" he exclaimed making
the older male snicker

It was now winter and the white and beautiful snow has begun to descend from the sky, The other players have already left to pay their respects to the nearby shrine.

The pitcher decided to spend his winter in tokyo this year, Why? because he felt bad that Miyuki Kazuya was planning to spend his winter alone

If he were honest sawamura would usually go home without a second thought, but his dumb and awkward mind decided to stay and possibly have a 'bonding moment' with his battery parther, he can already feel the regrets coming in

Not because of his crush or anything!

Miyuki was certainly suprised when sawamura just suddenly announced that he would spend his winter with him, Not complaining or anything but hey might as well make the most out of this chance and spend time with sawamura without involving baseball for once

The pair began making their way to the nearest shrine, but of course they would encounter people on their way there. Who you might ask? Why of course none other than Narumiya Mei and with him was itsuki

"and here i was hoping i wouldn't see your face on my last days of the year" Miyuki grimaced

Narumiya took this as a challenge "Oh? too bad for you then, did i ruin your date?" Mei smirked making miyuki visibly annoyed at this arrogant bastard.

the two went on back and forth while sawamura and itsuki decided to let those two on their own as they continued on their way to the shrine, of course im just a few seconds the two immediately caught up to them and sawamura grimaced as he witnessed narumiya complaining to itsuki.

And he wasn't free from his own pain either, The battery ended up arguing the entire way there.

Once they made it there, they definitely weren't expecting more aquiantances.

"What's going on? A double date?"

"No and screw off Umemiya" Narumiya hissed

Umemiya chuckled, even until now narumiya hates him down to the core

And of course he tags along because why not right? Might as well make every thing as chaotic as possible.

"That reminds me, what are your plans after this?" Narumiya asked

"We're meeting some friends at a restaurant a few minutes away for dinner, kuramochi said to wear something decent so I guess we are going back to our apartments first" Miyuki said

Narumiya twitched "Please don't tell me it's the same restaurant in the hotel with the giant lobby that opened three months ago"

"You know about it Mei-san?" Sawamura asked

Narumiya hesitated before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a invitation, and their faces couldn't be more stiffer than it already was

"Holy crap me too" Umemiya said pulling out his own invitation

"Who the hell arranged this party??" Narumiya said

"Is that even a question??" Miyuki sighed

And as they expected when they arrived almost everybody from their high school days, rival and teammates were gathered in the huge lobby which was filled with many round tables and it even had a stage in the front.

Miyuki swears he is not letting kuramochi arrange another Christmas party ever again, looking at sawamura it seems he is also surprised at the sheer size of the place.

"They're here! Merry Christmas you idiots!" A familiar voice shouted from the huge crowd, of course it has to be kuramochi who notices then first

Sawamura waved nervously when the crowd was now looking at the two who just arrived, no wonder kuramochi told them there was no need to buy gifts for the gift exchange.

Just then miyuki noticed sawamura was already gone from beside him and he was now running to haruichi who was with furuya, tojo and kanemaru.

Seriously, miyuki wants to leave right now.

Of course he gets dragged to a table with his seido teammates, not only that but he was bombarded with questions and he's not even surprised when sawamura came out as a topic.

At least dinner was peaceful, and really good.

The night isn't complete without alcohol, miyuki had a glass or two or three? Four? Fiv- agh I give up

Long story short he's drunk and asleep.

Being the good friend kuramochi is he carried the unconscious catcher and left him in the hands of sawamura who was also kind of drunk.

Kuramochi why

"I like what you did there" Ryousuke chuckled

Kuramochi sat beside the pink haired male and smirked "hyaha! They'll figure it out"

Ryousuke took out his phone and started recording "Two drunks who are not so secretly simping for each other? This might be an interesting night"

"Ryou-san, can I ask for the vid later?" Kuramochi asked

"Hm? Why don't you give me a kiss and maybe I'll think about it" Ryousuke grinned making kuramochi as red as a tomato as he looked away in embarrassment

"Nada-san! Can I have a bite of that?" Raichi asked pointing towards the chocolate glazed cake sanada was munching on

Sanada looked at him worryingly "raichi you don't like this type, how many glasses did you drink?" He asked

Raichi pouted "fine! If nada-san won't give raichi cake and a hug then raichi will hit a home run against you with a banana!"

"Why is he talking like that?" Inui asked

"Don't ask m- Oi! Raichi!" Sanada exclaimed when raichi suddenly sat on sanada's lap with his arms around the older male's neck and began snoring.

It made sanada blush in embarrassment when pictures of then were being taken but it was worth it when he has a front row seat to raichi's sleeping face.

"Sa~wa~mu~ra~" Miyuki hummed in his sleep

His head is rested on sawamura's lap and his torso plus his lower body part was resting on some chairs haruichi and tojo assisted him with.

Sawamura was definitely drunk but still in his right mind somehow, he will definitely get kuramochi back for this.

He stared at the sleeping catcher before softly poking his cheeks with his finger, it was soft.

Yeah he's drunk

Sawamura took another sip of his drink ignoring the thought in his head.

That night let's just say it was rather chaotic with drunk bodies everywhere, and poor kuramochi had to deal with it.

Author Note:
It took longer for me to update than i wanted to, but anyways how is everyone doing? How's Christmas? I got hoodies, a sketchpad and a new tablet!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and thank you for reading!

should i make a new year's special too?

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