Chapter 14: Is This Going To End? Like Anytime Soon?

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"Ok," I smirked, "talents. Got any?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"I have many." He winked and lifted my chin. His lips hovered over mine.

"Well, what about one for a talent show?" I giggled, he kissed my lips and held them so he didn't have to dance. "Nice..." Kiss. "Try..." Kiss. "Zayn..." Kiss. "Time..." Another. "To..." You know what happens. "Work!" I gasped and kissed him one more time aggressively.

"Fine." He pouted and I smiled and sat at his piano.

"Can you play?" I smiled.

"If I say yes will you..." He said.

"No." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes I can." He said.

"Perfect, now can you sing?" I asked.

"Wait...Jess what are you doing for a talent?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Being...awesome?" It came out as more of a question. He pushed me off the bench.

"Let's hear it." He smiled.

"But..." I whined.

"No buts!" He snapped.

"Hey remember that suggestion you had earlier?" I sat on his lap and kissed him before he answered.

"Just do it." He smirked on my lips and I rolled my eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me." I growled and pulled away, I stood on the other side of the piano. He smiled and pounded a few notes on the keys. They soon became the accompaniment to Lou's favorite song, The A-Team by Ed Sheeran. Oh god, I took a deep breath and sang: "White lips, pale face. Breathing in the snowflakes. Burnt lungs, sour taste. Lights gone, days end. Struggling to pay rent. Long nights, strange men." I bit my lip.

"Keeping going." He encouraged. I smiled.

"And they say, she's in the class A-Team, stuck her daydream. Been this way since eighteen, but lately her face seems, slowly sinking wasting. Crumbling like pastries." I blushed, "Ok I'm done." He smiled.

"Let's use this talent." He smiled and kissed my temple after he got up from the piano. I checked my watch.

"Crap, I have to leave in 15 minutes." I pouted and he smiled.

"Well...maybe...before you leave?" He started kissing my neck. I blushed.

"Maybe a quickie..." I murmured and he smiled pleasurably. I giggled and he led me to his room.


"Bye." I smiled and kissed his lips and stepped out of Zayn's car. I walked into my house, Harry sat on the couch. He glared at me and gave me the cold shoulder. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen for water. I went to walk up the stairs but I stopped. Harry grunted and rolled his eyes. "Why are you such a dickhead?" I snapped at him randomly.

"Why are you such a bitch?" He snarled. I winced. I was taken aback by that.

"Say that to my face jackass!" I screamed and he jumped off the couch. He stomped up to me.

"You're a bitch, Jessica." He snapped, "Simple as that." He looked down on me. I prodded him in the chest with my finger.

"You have no right." I grabbed his shirt front, "I've tried to apologize, I've tried everything you little asshole. I'm fucking tired." I pushed him with all my might. He rolled his eyes and didn't move a muscle.

"You're a sore-ass bitch." He spat, "I bet you've given Zayn..." My hand connected with his face before he could finish. His eyes widened at me in anger. He grabbed the back of my neck as roughly as possible. I yelped before his lips connected with mine, roughly and passionately. What?! Harry's I pushed him away. My lips tingled; they wanted more. We just stared at each other. I just kissed my best friend. I ran up the stairs and put on some exercise clothes. I grabbed my iPod and crammed my earbuds in my ears. I pressed the first song on the playlist. 'Doom and Gloom' by the Rolling Stones. Perfect. I trudged down the stairs where Harry was waiting.

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