Chapter 4: Lunch! And Then Some...

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"Do you know if Harry saved us a spot?" I asked Niall, scooping a large mound of macaroni on my plate.

"I don't know." He said, grabbing a hot ham and cheese. I followed Niall to find Harry at a table in the corner alone, reading a novel. Niall sat down and I plopped down beside Harry.

"Harry quit being a nerd." I joked and slammed the book shut.

"You're lovely, Jessica." He sighed sarcastically, swiping a brownie from my plate. I took my spoon and slapped his hand.

"Swiper no swiping." I smiled and Niall and I bursted into fits of laughter as Harry rubbed the painful-looking red mark on his hand. I turned to Niall. "You hear the news?"

"Zayn and Liam got expelled?" Niall asked hopefully.


"Damn. What?"

"Me and Harry were picked to show tango basics again." I said.

"I don't why you guys even take gym class anymore." He rolled his eyes and bit into an apple.

"Well we mastered that leg move..." I began.

"And it was awesome!" Harry finished.

"Great job guys." Niall smiled with a mouthful.

"Yeah, we've been like..." I trailed off as I spotted Louis sitting alone at a table across the cafeteria. He was listening to his iPod with his foot rested on his knee, his knee bobbing up and down to the beat of whatever he was listening to. I felt my hand slide up under my chin as Louis looked around timidly and saw me staring and smiled. I smiled back dreamily.

"Jess don't say anything if I can have your brownie." Harry said, reaching for my chocolate treat.

"Harry don't touch my brownie!" I growled, snapping out of my trance.

"What were you staring at?" Niall asked, trying to find where my gaze was pointed.

"Oh nothing." I smiled, a blush climbing up my neck. Niall found where I was looking and giggled knowingly.

"What?!" Harry insisted impatiently.

"Jess has a crush on the new kid." Niall said and Harry huffed dramatically.

"I think we should sit by him." I said, changing the subject.

"Why?" The boys said unpleasantly.

"Because he's all alone, and I'm pretty sure Niall knows what its like to be alone." I looked to Niall for support and he hung his head sadly. The boys stayed silent and ate their food. "Fine I'll go alone." I huffed and walked across the room with my tray and plopped down in front of Louis. He looked up cautiously and pulled his earbuds out of his ears.

"Hey...Jessica?" He smiled questioningly.

"Yep, that's me." I smiled and Niall sat beside me and Louis eyed the blonde Irishman's mountain of food incredulously.

"Niall Horan, mate." He shook Louis's hand and Harry sat beside Louis reluctantly.

"Sup new kid." Harry said and nodded curtly.

"Harry the grump." He smiled jokingly and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Boobear." Harry retorted. We all shared an awkward laugh when a sticky red substance was dunked all over Louis's head and splattered the rest of our shirts. Louis wiped his wet hair out of his eyes and and took off his glasses, taking deep breathes.

"Welcome to our school." Zayn said and Louis's eyes filled with tears as he hurried out of the room.

"Zayn." I growled, but grinned in false congradulations.

"Jessica." He said, wiping humorous tears out of his eyes and getting to his feet to tower over me.

"Don't you ever," I said getting to my feet and jabbing his chest with my finger, "I mean NEVER lay a hand on my friends. I don't care if it's Niall, Harry, or Louis. They are my friends not your stupid punching bags! You want something from me, come to me!" I stomped on his foot as I ran out of the room and followed the red footprints. The footprints led straight into a storage closet where I found a silent Louis sitting on a mopping bucket. I sat down on a bucket infront of him.

"I'm sorry Louis." I said.

"It's ok Jessica, it's just bullies." He sniffed.

"But that's not just it. Zayn has is lodged in his brain that I'm his property or something and bullies the people I hang out with." I sighed apologetically.

"No, Jessica it's not your fault." He said, looking up for the first time.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk anymore." I sighed, my eyes filled with tears as I got to my feet.

"No, please." He begged, grabbing my hand and pulling me down. I had no words to say so I just stood there, like a doofus, staring into those eyes that I love so much. So Zayn might kill him I don't care, just take the chance. I leaned forward slowly, planting a kiss right on his lips.

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