Chapter 1: The New Guy

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"OUT OF MY WAY!" I yelled, gaining more momentum on my skateboard, my guitarcase hitting some of the few people in the halls this early in the morning. My long, dark brown, almost black hair whipping against my shoulder blades, and the speed ripping my jacket down my arms. "Sorry Ms. L!" I called behind me, after my guitarcase hit the busty forty-five year old woman in the ankle. "Come on! Come on!" I grumbled, my feet pushing off the ground, almost spraining my ankle. I burst through the giant double doors and walked onto the creaky wooden stage.

"Jessica! Right on time!" Mrs. Friedman, the music and drama teacher, bellowed dramatically. I smiled.

"I got something new for you Mrs. F!" I said, kneeling to the ground and unlatching the combonation locks on my guitar case and tuning my cherry-colored wooden guitar. Two stage hands brought out a small stool and a microphone with a stand. "Thank you." I smiled as the two boys walked off stage and I slipped my woven rose design guitar strap around my slim shoulders. I sat at the stool and positioned the microphone infront of my mouth. I sighed in relief, I'm glad I get to do this without having to be in front of the people. I live for the stage, just not the crowds. I strummed the familiar chords of the song I've been practicing for weeks. "I fell in love, next to you." I sang in to the microphone, "Burning fires, in this room. It just fits, light and smooth, like my feet in my shoes." I strummed my guitar along with my singing. I finished the song and I heard the rapid twittering known as Mrs. Friedman's clapping.

"Phenominal Jessica! I'm glad you've been working over the summer and improving your amazing talents!" She sighed proudly.

"Thanks Mrs. F!" I said gratefully, "I need to get to class now, see you in choir!" I strode out of the auditorium and hurried through the big double doors only to run head-first into wall, smacking my forehead painfully and what I thought to be a wall was actually a person (I know right?! Crazy thought...considering it was an open hallway and no wall for at least 30 ft.). I opened my eyes and found a tall, muscular boy under me, he was rubbing his forehead as well, our faces just centinmeters apart. He had dark brown, feathered hair that was styled in an adorable sleepy bedhead way. He wore a turqouise and white striped shirt, tan trousers, and white converse. I looked into his mesmerizing blue-gray eyes. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on either side of his shoulders, pushing off the linoleum floor and dusting myself off.

"It's ok." He said, grabbing my outstretched hand and getting to his feet. I examined his expression, trying to place a name with a face when I heard the warning bell.

"Gotta go," I said, slamming my skateboard on the ground and stabalzing it with my feet, "again, I'm really sorry." I pushed off on the floor, willing my skateboard to go forward as I hurried to History. I stumbled through the door with just seconds to spare. The room was built like a college classroom. The seats rounded around the room like they would in a stage house, except they had tables infront of them. I sat down between my two best friends as they continued to scwabble over random topics.

"I don't care what you say, Superman could beat Batman in a battle easily!" Said Harry Styles, my close friend since eigth grade and our mothers became so close they share an apartment to this day, so we live together.

"Batman would totally beat Superman in a heartbeat, my friend." Niall Horan said, patting his shoulder. I met Niall last year when were freshmen and the three of us clicked like the Three Muskateers.

"Actually you're both wrong, everyone knows that Ironman would easily beat those two like that." I stated and snapped my fingers to emphasize the last word. Harry widened his bright green eyes and ran a hand through his chocolate brown curls. Niall chuckled in disbelief, his blonde hair falling in his deep blue eyes.

"You're just saying that 'cause you have a crush on Robert Downey Jr." Niall protested in his Irish accent.

"That's beside the point." I said quitely as Mr. Cleves, the freshly-out-of-college teacher shushed us.

"What I have planned for us to learn.." Mr. Cleves began but was interuppted by a loud, rapping at the door. He exhaled angrily and stomped over to the door and held it open, tapping his foot impatiently. The boy I smacked foreheads with ran into the room his backpack slumping on his shoulders. "Ah, a new student." Mr. Cleves said, forcing a tight smile, "Would you tell us your name?"

"Uh, h-hi," He stuttered, "I'm L-Louis Tomlinson, and I...LIKE GIRLS WHO EAT CARROTS!" He bellowed the last phrase unthinkingly and the class bursted in to mocking laughter. The teacher attempted to quiet us down and said

"Would someone offer Mr. Tomlinson a seat?"

"LOSER!" Harry yelled, his hand covering his mouth and Louis hung his head. I stood and clipped Harry in the back of the head.

"Mr. Cleves, there's a seat in front of us." I said and Louis's cheeks reddened in relief as Niall and Harry both scowled at me.

"Thank you." Louis whispered gratefully and slid his backpack off his shoulder, plopping down in the seat infront of the three of us.

"Well I did almost kill you this morning." He turned around to smile at me with his straight teeth, and I smiled and winked as the teacher shushed us all again.

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