Chapter 13: Ugh...Just Ugh...

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An awkward silence fell over my home life. Harry neved talked to me unless we were around our mothers. Niall was the only person who would talk to me, else than Zayn and Liam. I thought more into my terrible situation in my bedroom, my covers pulled over my messy head of curly tangles.

"Wake her please, Harry." I heard Anne tell her son. Her light steps left then room and something hard and bulky hit the back of my knee.

"Wake up." Harry grumbled. I fought the tears down and let out a small yelp, ripping the covers from my face. I looked to Harry, who was literally using everything in his power to not even turn his body to me. I bit my lip and changed in my closet. I wore a white flowy blouse and a floral skirt. Not my style...but I guess Zayn likes it when I wear shorts or skirts. I pulled on my gold glittery Vans and tied my shoelaces. I forced a brush through my hair and worked on it with a curling iron. I managed them into bouncy spiral curls and pulled my bangs into a small bump. I caught Harry glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"Another glorious day, with my amazing boyfriend." I snarled sarcastically at my reflection as a few tears managed their way through the rips in the fabric of my existence. Harry's hard expression soften minimally in the mirror. I hid my face behind the comforting embrace of my hands. I felt a hard, rough pat on my back and snapped my head up. Harry was no where in sight. I growled and ran downstairs, I said hello to Anne and my mother and picked up my bookbag by the door. I ran out the door and plopped down into Zayn's front seat.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I replied and kissed him half-heartedly. He pressed the gas pedal and the car lurched forward, soon stopping at Liam's front yard. Nothing about the house stirred. "Ugh!" I growled and honked Zayn's horn. In the next instant Liam came running out of his house, hair a mess (but in a cute way that looks good on him), jacket hanging off his shoulder, and his plaid shirt unbuttoned, revealing his abs and muscular chest.

"Dude, chill." He said after settling in the back.

"Don't blame me, blame the gf." Zayn to him.

"Hi Jessica." Liam winked when Zayn turned around.

"Hi Liam." I smiled and caught myself before my eyes began to wonder to his exposed areas. He buttoned up his shirt and pulled his jacket onto both his shoulders after we stopped in front of the school. Zayn stopped me from opening my door and walked around to open it for me. I smiled and intertwined our fingers. He pulled me to my feet and we waited for Liam to get out. We walked around and found a nice spot in front of the school. I let Zayn settle on the bench and planned to sit beside him. He smiled devilishly and pulled me onto his lap. I blushed and slowly got comfortable on his lap. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of stripes. I turned my head and saw my best friends (EXCUSE ME, former best friends.) "Louis!" I called weakly. I felt Zayn's grip tighten around my waist. He turned to look for whoever wanted his attention. I waved and he glared at me and snapped his head back around. I bit my lip hard, blinking my tears away. "Niall?" I squeaked half-heartedly. He turned to me and smiled, only to be immediately turned back to the conversation by Harry. I sniffed, feeling the disgusting, coppery taste from my now bleeding lip. I forced back a sob, but it ended coming out in a distressed hiccup. Zayn sighed and kissed my cheek. I hid my face in his neck and I could feel his muscles moving and changing into a smile. He was grinning like he won the prize. I could feel it. He pulled me up and walked me to history. He hugged me tight, giving me his varsity jacket and walked to his own class. I slipped on the oversized jacket and took my assigned seat by Harry and being Lou. They both gave me a look of disgust and I nearly lost it. "Will you guys say something?" I whispered.

"Lou, you hear anything?" Harry said to Louis.

"I don't know, Haz. Was it kind of whiney and traitor-ey?" Louis mumbled back.

"Yeah kind of." Harry said, glowering at me under his eyebrows. I can't believe they're using the 'do you hear something?' bit. What are we? 5th graders? I rolled my eyes.

"Douches." I snarled under my breath. They rolled their eyes and went back to the lesson. I stomped out of the room the minute and the bell rang and threw my books in my locker. I saw Louis coming alone and grabbed him by his collar, dragging him to the nearest room; the auditorium. "Talk to me." I demanded.

"I have nothing to say to you." He spat. I locked the door.

"Talk." I stated.

"What do you want me to say?! Oh thanks Jess! I just love you having you sleep with me and coming to meet my family only to move on to another guy the next day!" He snarled, letting the harsh words lift the load from his shoulders. His shoulders sank in relief. I opened my mouth , but he cut me off. "Oh, but not just any guy! But the guy who was kind enough to slam me against a locker and bathe me in Kool-Aid! Oh! I can't forget this!" He ripped his shirt up, showing the yellowing bruise that blemished his muscular frame.

"I..I.." I stuttered.

"Wow, Jess. I finally talk and you have nothing to say." He said, his cold tone grating against the warm memories I keep of him.

"Lou. I'm sorry...I...I..." I sank to my knees. "You'd never understand." I whispered.

"UGH. Jess quit playing your fucking mind games." He growled.

"Zayn is my partner for gym. I had to work with him, that's where it started." I sniffed, "I can't help how I feel."

"That is the STUPIDEST excuse I've ever heard!" He hissed, his words dripping with deadly venom.

"I...I...don't have an excuse." I murmured. He scoffed harshly. "I just want my best friends." I squeaked. He rolled his eyes and unlocked the door, rushing to his next class. I burst into tears and followed him at a far distance, getting to my next class. Silent and dry sobs escaped my lips.

"Jess?" Niall ran up to me, checking for Zayn first.

"Niall!" I screetched in relief and threw my arms around him.

"What's wrong, Jess?" He said, his voice was sympathetic.

"I can't do this anymore." I whispered into his shoulder, the waterfall of tears I held back for so many weeks and days soaked into his shirt and Zayn's jacket.

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