Chapter 19: Boots and Boys. Oh! And Irrelevant Sluts

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Harry's POV

"We' re here." I smiled and helped Jessica out of my old truck, " Here, lean on me." I pulled her slender arm around my shoulders. She smiled weakly as we hobbled to the entrance of the hospital. I looked down at her silky and slightly damp black hair. She looked so pretty in her red dress, (even though it had some god awful blue stains on it) comically wobbling with her broken high heel. Wait...I'm not suppose to think this way about my best friend. I'm not suppose to like her. She's lucky I'm even-

"Harry?" Jessica laughed and snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Huh what?" I said as my cheeks flushed with red.

"The nurse is here so come on. You kind of zoned out for a second there, buddy." She giggled as I offered her my hand. She leaned on me and the nurse as we found a room.

"The doctor will be here momentarily." The nurse smiled and closed the door slowly. Jessica jumped up on the counter and exhaled deeply. Bing! My phone dinged. It was Niall asking how my night was going.

"Niall texted me." I said casually.

"Oh?" Jessica said as she seemed suddenly interested in a diagram of the cycle of a pregnancy.

"Yeah, he was just wondering what's up."

"Oh cool." She mumbled. She seemed kind of distant and not very focused. I sighed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked.

"Oh I'm thinking about a lot of things...Zayn, prom coming up, ecetera." She pulled air through her nose dramatically.

"Speaking of prom..." I said casually. She looked at me for the first time in an hour.

"Yeah?" She sighed. I stepped closer to her.

"Would you go with me?" Her face kind of twisted in doubt as she thought, "As friends of course!" I added quickly as my fingers brushed her hand. She pulled it away and laughed breathlessly. She looked up at me, her pale eyes brimmed with tears of exhaustion.

"Ok Harry. I'll go." She smiled and patted my cheek. My hand reached up and held her hand there for a little bit.

"You don't have to tell anyone...It could be our little secret." I added.

Jessica's POV

"This is weird." I groaned, climbing back into Harry's truck. I sat my foot on the dash and dragged my leg brace into the car behind me.

"What do you mean it's weird?" Harry asked as he turned the key into the ignition.

"It's bulky and dumb!" I growled and yawned. It was nearly 2AM. Harry and I had to go to the hospital to get my ankle fixed since Zayn dropped me. I watched the lights from cars and followed Harry's headlight until they were shining on our mothers' house. I jumped out of the truck and hobbled up the stairs. Good thing my mum wasn't awake. I brushed out my sticky hair and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and what felt like in seconds my eyes were open again.

"School! Jessica up!" My mum ripped the blankets off Harry and I. Her face twisted in horror. "Why do you have an ankle brace?" She demanded.

"I hurt it dancing last night, no big deal." I groaned.

"You could've told me Jessica." She hissed.

"Mum, why are you getting so tensed up?" I asked. She huffed a bunch of air out of her nose and stormed out. I rolled my eyes and got up to change. I slipped on a cream tribal print cutout dress and sat in front of my mirror.

The Kool-Aid caused my hair to go all wonky. I sprayed my roots with a little dry shampoo and braided my hair into a 5 strand braid and let it sit on my shoulder and fall down my chest. I slipped on a creme-colored cropped biker jacket and slipped on one of my brown and gold studded combat boots.

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