Chapter 10: Harry The Grump Returns

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Harry's Point of View

I sat in the living room waiting for Jessica to appear through the door. I sighed and read through the texts between the two of us. One text stuck in my mind.

Jessica: wow, thought we were friends here! douche :/

I can't believe she called me a douche, but then again...She loves to be around Louis. I rolled my eyes. Let her have her schoolgirl crush! I ran a hand through my hair. Why am I getting so mad?! It's not like I love her...well, maybe. A sudden slam of the door brought me to reality. I got to my feet to stand in front of Jessica, who was wearing sweats and a striped shirt that was HUGE on her. Oh god, she was pissed. It was written all over her face.

"Hi." I mumbled. She gave me an intense death glare.

"Can I help you?!" She snapped coldly.

"Look, I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Oh you're sorry?" She laughed harshly, "Look! The Great Harold Edward Styles is sorry!" She spat.

"I AM! Just quit being such a...UGH, Jess!" I bit my tongue to keep from snapping.

"Quit being such a what, Harry?" She pressed angrily.

"A...a..." I searched for the right word.

"Whatever!" She growled and interrupted my search for words, "Why don't you like Lou?! Hell! You welcomed Niall in with open arms the second you saw him!"

"" I said breathlessly.

"What Harry?! Actually say something!" She spat angrily and took a step towards me.

"You didn't have a crush on Niall! OK?!" I snapped and took in a huge breath of air, letting it go slowly, an anxious hand reaching up to run it through my curls.

"What does that mean, Haz?" She said softly and sweetly.

"You didn't like Niall like you like Louis." I sighed and took a step back.

"What does the person I like have to do with anything?" She asked and took another step forward.  

"I...umm..." I began but I got cut off by a shriek coming from our door. Her eyes got wide and she hurried out the door, me close behind her. I saw Louis on the ground with Liam standing menacingly over him, a small amount of guilt written on his face.

"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Jessica snapped loudly. I huffed, anger taking over me.

"LIAM! GO AWAY!" I screamed. His eyes widened and he began to sprint toward his home.

"STUPID PIECE OF TRASH!" Jessica yelled behind him and walked towards Louis. I ran and pushed her out of the way and held out my hand. He had a relieved smile on his face, but it disappeared after he saw my hand. His eyes narrowed as he looked up to me.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey Boobear." I said and grabbed his hand to pull him up. Jessica rolled her eyes and led him into the door behind me. Jessica let Louis sit at the couch as she ran upstairs. "Lou, I'm sorry." I said.

"Whatever Harry." He sighed.

"Listen, I'm sorry I called you a loser, I'm not used to Jessica liking anyone, 'cause truthfully...she never has."

"It's ok Harry, I just don't wanna talk about it." He said and tried to focus his attention on the telly. I rolled my eyes and Jessica quickly came downstairs.

"Are you ok?" She asked and settled into the couch beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Jess." He smiled at her. I rolled my eyes and cuddled up into the blanket on the couch.

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