𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑛(1)

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Simon Says and Hwayoung's solo went great. It was well received by most fans, and the group gained more attention. They all finally were getting a well received break so they were really just chillin.

Recently, Hwayoung has been feeling...off, if that's even the right way to put it. She was feeling as if she was being watched. Inside the dorm and out. Hwayoung was beginning to feel uncomfortable and constantly on the edge, and the behavior certainly didn't go untouched by her fellow members.

Now everyone knew that being an idol came with a lot. The love, the hate, the wins, the loses, etc. Every idol experienced that. Another thing every idol also experienced are sasaeng fans. They could be an idol's worst nightmare. NCT of course had their fair share of them, mainly female, on occasion sometimes even male. Hwayoung was no different. They never got this bad. It wasn't supposed to get this bad. But sometimes some things happen that we simply cannot prevent.

It was a chilly Thursday afternoon, a week or two after promotions ended for her solo. Hwayoung wanted-no scratch that needed some coffee. A new cafe had opened a block away from 127's dorm and Hwayoung had herd some really good things about the shop so she wanted to try it out. The boys and her were scattered throughout the dorm just doing there own thing. Hwayoung was lying her head on Taeil's lap when she had gotten the urge for coffee.

"Taeil hyung," she bugged. He looked down at the girl from his phone and shook his head. "Can we go to the new cafe that just opened near here?" she softly asked(this girl literally speaks in tiny i stg).

"I'm busy right now ask someone else," He replied. Hwayoung looked at him bewildered. He's literally on his phone but go off. Hwayoung sighed and got up anyway and made her way over to the kitchen where some of the other boys are. She spots Taeyong, Jaehyun, Mark, and Yuta. She stands in the doorway silently laughing at the sight in front of her. Yuta found a new victim to attack with his love, which was Mark. Yuta was clinging onto his back while Mark was pleading for him to let him go. While Jaehyun and Taeyong were weirdly having a heated conversation about...house plants? Hwayoung decided that she had found the person she wanted to bug, which was unfortunately Jaehyun. His conversation with Taeyong was getting pretty heated so she decided it would be a good time to intervene.

"Taeyong hyung, you can't take care of a houseplant if you can't take care of yourself," he whined.

"Yes I can and you can't stop me," Taeyong huffed. Right as Jaehyun was about to say something else Hwayoung wrapped her arm around Jaehyun's middle.

"Jaehyun hyung, lets go get coffee," She stated. She didn't ask him too. She just flat out said it leaving the man no room for arguing. He was about to respond but with one glare from Hwayoung he shut up. Jaehyun grumbled a 'fine' and went to go put his shoes on. As he left the kitchen Taeyong laughed.

"Thanks Yoonie. You saved me from a pointless argument," Hwayoung just laughed and went to follow Jaehyun. She put on her shoes and waited by the door for him as she texted her manger letting her know where she was going and with who. Her manager replied with a simple okay and be safe. The mangers weren't at the dorm right now, they were all in a meeting discussing who knows what.

Jaehyun finally came and asked her if she was ready to go. To which the girl nodded, the two waved goodbye to the other members and left. They put up their mask and headed out the building.
The walk was nice, peaceful, quiet. Well it was quiet until Hwayoung's phone started ringing. She didn't bother looking at the caller id and just answered it thinking it was her manger..

"Hello?" Hwayoung said as she stopped walking. Jaehyun stopped with her and mouthed "you can walk and talk" lmao sry.

"You look so pretty today Hwayoung-ah" a voice came through the phone.

"Who is this?" she asked.

"You're biggest fan,"

Hwayoung fearfully looked to Jaehyun and he asked what's wrong, she pointed to the phone to let him know.

"I see you with Jaehyun. You should really be with me?" the person said. Hwayoung immediately grabbed Jaehyun's arm and started walking back to their dorm. Jaehyun wrapped his arm around Hwayoung's waist to give her some reinsurance that she would be safe, while with his other hand grabbed his phone and texted their manger to let him know what was going on. The manger replied within seconds telling them to walk around for a bit so their dorm location wouldn't be exposed to the person if they really were watching. He relayed the message to Hwayoung and the pair decided to walk the opposite way.

Hwayoung was about to hang up but the person said one last thing, "I'll always be watching, remember that." When the call ended she stared at her phone on fear and looked around. She personally couldn't see anything or anybody, but they were there. Closer than she thought.

𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗐𝗂𝗌𝗁•𝗇𝖼𝗍 𝟤𝟦𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now