Chapter Forty Eight

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When I arrive at The Burrow my parents barely said goodbye to me. I think they felt bad for telling me so suddenly about it.

I feel better when I see Hermione, I give her a hug and ask her how her summer was. After I am greeted by everyone else, Hermione and I talked for a while about what books she had read and then what books I had read.

When I saw Ginny I gave her a hug obviously but I didn't know what I was supposed to say. We talked about normal things like quidditch after dinner up in her room.

"So now that it's just us, did either of you do anything fun this summer. And you know what I mean." Ginny says.

"If you're asking about boys then no. I don't waste my precious time on stuff like searching for a boy who will most likely break my heart or worse, have an impact on my academics. " Hermione says.

"Well if we are talking about boys, Harry and I wrote back and forth almost everyday. Until the Dursley's found out he had a girlfriend so they took his paper but he found a way after about a week to continue writing to me." I say.

"You guys are boring." Ginny says. Hermione throws her pillow at her. "Granger, you've gotten brave." Ginny says. She picks up the pillow and hits Hermione with it a lot more forcefully. Hermione goes to hit her again but we hear the front door open and Ron's voice say.

"Harry!" Just the sound of his name makes me beam with joy. Hermione drops the pillow, I jump up as fast as I possibly can and run down the stairs with Ginny and Hermione behind me, I don't think they're as excited as me but they are surely happy to see him.

I probably look kid of bad since we were about to go to bed but I don't really care. He's still holding all of his bags but once he sees me he drops them right away. I run up to him and he gives me a bone crunching hug. Once we finally let go of each other I can look at how he's changed. He got taller and he looks older and he grew his hair a little bit longer, I like it like that, it fits his face shape well. Normally we would snog but there's everyone around so we'll save that for another time. I notice his glasses are broken.

I point them out "Harry what happened-"

"Nothing." He says.


After a while since it was already late everyone goes to bed. I sort of wish I got more time to talk to Harry though. Everyone sort of asked him a bunch of questions but I barely got to spend time with him before he went to bed. Luckily he's not sixteen yet so that doesn't count as something bad that happened while we were sixteen.

I can't sleep so I get up to get some water, I see Harry sitting against the wall in the hallway so I go and sit next to him.

"Harry, what happened to your glasses?" I ask again.

"Dudley happened." He says. Now I get it, he was embarrassed that someone as dimwitted as Dudley broke his glasses. I see that they are repaired now, probably Hermione's doing.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask.

"Can't sleep." He says.

"Me neither." I say. It's better if we don't say much. We like to spend time together without talking, I know that I wanted to talk with him earlier but I also know that all people ever do is want to talk and ask him questions. And we're both tired but can't sleep. Eventually my head ends up in his lap.

"Gab I'm sure you know this but after I heard that the death eaters were at your house I didn't sleep, I still haven't since then." Harry whispers.

"I knew that would happen, that's why I didn't tell you right away." I say. I hate it when he worries so much. He's got plenty on his plate already; he doesn't need to spend his time thinking about things that might not even be a big deal. I pick up his hand and start to play with his fingers. I think he noticed I was wearing the ring because he spins it around on my finger a few times. I match up my breathing with his because I like to.


In the morning I am woken up rudely by someone kicking my legs. I jump and open my eyes quickly to see Ginny standing over me "Get back to your rooms before you get in trouble." she says, rolling here eyes then continuing downstairs. I look up at Harry who's glasses have fallen halfway down his face, he fixes them then smiles at me. Almost all of my baby hairs have fallen out of my now very messy ponytail. I rub my eyes a few times then sit up so Harry can go back to his room but he pulls me back down.

"No stay." He says in a low and more raspy than usual morning voice. He's not a morning person at all. I am but it's nice to stay with him in the mornings and just lay there for a while.

"We have to get up now anyways." I say. He frowns at me and slowly stands up.

"That was the first good night of sleep I've gotten in I don't know how long" he says. Really, on the floor? I guess he was probably always worrying about something while he was at the Dursley's. That thing most likely being me.

I go back into Ginny's room to get dressed and ready for the day. Next to my stuff I see a Polaroid picture but I don't think I've taken any already. It's flipped over to the back where someone wrote in a navy blue marker

Young love

I flip it over to look at the picture, somebody had taken a picture of Harry and I last night in the hallway while we where sleeping. The handwriting is awfully similar to Mrs. Weasley's. I smile at it then put it away into my box full of important things.

As I walk down the stairs for breakfast Fred and George simultaneously say "Good morning Gabriella" I greet them back kindly and take my seat at the breakfast table. 


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