Chapter Sixty Two

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I brush past Harry and begin to walk back to the castle.

"You don't think you're going back alone do you?" He asks.

"Yes, I am. Leave me be you foul, foul boy." I yell back to him while still walking further and further.

He lightly jogs to catch up to me. "No need to throw insults at me." He says. I turn my head at him sharply and glare. "Ok, I'm sorry. Please wait for me though, I'll go back inside and finish my business then I'll walk you back to the castle. It's nearly midnight, I would never forgive myself if a werewolf or who knows what else got you."

I don't want to agree to his deal but the warning scares me a little bit, he's right. It's not smart to go outside of the castle alone, in the dark this late at night.

"Whatever." I mutter while crossing my arms. He quickly walks back into the hut as if how fast he's going will make him be able to complete his task faster.

I hear some laughing and loud chatter from inside for a while. I begin to start picking at a shrub outside of the hut to entertain myself. I reach further into the plant until my finger is pricked by a thorn of some type. I immediately grab my hand and wince in pain, it's bleeding a little bit I've had worse.

I continue to wait impatiently for Harry to be done. I can't believe I'm waiting around for him right now. I can't see what's going on so I don't bother looking in, instead I look around at the edge of the woods. I keep hearing animal noises coming from the forrest and it's creeping me out a bit. I know that the chances of something actually coming out of the safety of the forest just to attack me are slim but I still worry.

"Finally." Harry says as the door swings open "Now to get you back- what happened?" He asks eyeing my hand. I look down at it, I hadn't felt it bleeding anymore but now there's blood all the way down my finger.

"Oh it's nothing." I say hiding my hand. I don't want, or need his help. He raises one eyebrow at me "I pricked my finger on that bush over there" I say.

"You're too curious for your own good you know." He says as he begins to walk with me.

"What? No, I wasn't curious. Just bored, stop acting like you're older and wiser then me or something." I say. He smiles while I get more frustrated. "Shove off Potter." I add.

"Awh man, we aren't even on first name terms anymore." He says sarcastically. I'm trying my hardest to not give in to his foolish remarks but he doesn't seem to show the least bit of care when I insult him so there's almost no point. He had the audacity to reach for my hand, I quickly pull mine away from his. "Gab I said I'm sorry." He repeats. I can tell that the potion is beginning to wear off by the amount of seriousness that is added back into his tone.

"I'm afraid sorry won't cut it this time."


It's so silent for the rest of the walk that I can hear him breathing along with the usual noises of the night. It's not long, however, before we're back to the castle. Of course we go straight to the common room to tell the rest about the good news. It's slightly ruined by what happened between Harry and I but I'll have to push that aside for the moment.

"Did you do it?" Hermione asks anxiously.

"Yes." Harry answers.

"Well don't be too excited." Ron says sarcastically "What's got you in a mood?" He asks.

"Nothing." It's obvious that Harry's back to his normal self now.

"Both of you are acting weird." Ron begins "Are you hiding something?" He asks.

"Yeah Ron, we've got a big secret." Harry answers, while keeping a bored look on his face.


"No you git."

"Just leave them be Ronald, they've been on a task all night long they're probably tired." Hermione says. She's picked up on what's going on very quickly.

I don't think either of us are planning on sleeping soon after what just went down between us. At least I know I won't be able to. Knowing Harry lately, he might be able to forget all about it.

I do eventually go up to my room though, just to be alone and think. Although the more I think, the sadder I get. So I distract myself with something that I love. Playing guitar.

It sort of contradicts itself though because Harry was the one to buy it for me. It's alright though, I can just ignore that. I don't want to bother my roommates so I go back down to the common room.

Once I get down most of the steps I see Harry sitting on the sofa resting his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped together while leaning forward to stare into the fire. I can tell he's been overthinking something. Most likely it's about me.

I begin to turn around, I don't want him to notice me because then he'll just try and have a conversation with me. For once I just want to ignore the situation and have some time to play my stupid guitar. But I'm too loud while going back up the steps because he speaks up.

"Wait, I need to talk to you." He says. Now he needs me?

"Nope. Goodnight Harry." I say almost halfway back up the stairs. I can hear him jump up from his seat and run up the steps just to catch up with me. "You aren't supposed to come on the girls side." I say as if students don't go on each other's sides all of the time. He rolls his eyes.

"I don't care. We can't just let this go, I need to talk to you now. I can't sleep anyways." He says.

"Well I'm glad to know you still don't care about what I want. I told you, no." I say as I begin to walk up the next step.

"No! That's the whole point. I do care about what you want, but we need to talk about it." I roll my eyes while I'm facing away from him then begin back down the stairs. As I walk past him on the steps I see the corners of his mouth turn up.


I Want to be Your First Choice, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now