Chapter Ten

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"It's probably just Harry" I say, trying to reassure myself. I see a large figure come out from some trees. Cho is scared out of her mind but I already know what it is but I don't tell her and let her continue being terrified. She deserves it after being so rude. I mean how self centered does somebody need to be to think that they could just break up a friendship like that?

"I don't think that it's Harry" She says trembling. It comes closer to us but not close enough for her to figure it out. I decide to play with her emotions for my own amusement.

"Me neither, what if it's a beast of some type?" I ask, sounding as scared as I can without laughing.

"Well then we should probably get out of here" She says. I start to laugh but she doesn't notice before selfishly pushing me on the ground and starting to run back to where we started. I'm not afraid I could tell it was only Buckbeak he must have gotten loose from his chain, I stand up and hold my lantern out letting him know that it's just me. He walks up to me, I cautiously grab his chain which is broken. Harry comes running with Cho of course.

"Gab are you ok? Cho told me what happened" Harry says. I see the berries in his hand which means that we can finally leave.

"I'm fine but Cho over here decided to sacrifice me instead of herself, how brave!" I say sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Cho, in a moment of fear, pushed me out of the way so that she could get away. It's no big deal at least Cho's alive right? Oh and by the way it was only Buckbeak genius" I say pointing up at him. She looks embarrassed, as she should be. He looks at her a little confused. She is quick enough to come up with something apologetic sounding.

"I'm so sorry Gabriella, I was scared you are right" She says.

"Well I'm sure we can move past it, right Gab?" Harry asks.

"Yeah right" I say reluctantly. We walk out of the forest and drop the berries and Buckbeak off at Hagrid's before heading back to the castle. Hagrid thanked me and said that he owes me one. As we are walking I notice Harry and Cho holding hands. It crushes me. They keep looking at each other all lovingly. I need to get away from them "I'm going to go to the common room, see you later" I say.

"Ok I'll see you later" Harry says. He looks happy with her. I guess I'm either going to have to figure out how to just get along with Cho or stop being friends with Harry. The latter isn't going to happen as long as I still get a choice. Later in the common room when Cho isn't there I'll tell Harry about how rude she was to hopefully change his mind. Now I'm being selfish, no that's not fair I need to let Harry figure it out himself; Besides I can't be the one to break his heart. As I walk away I hear their footsteps stop suddenly. I think I already know what I'm going to see when I turn around but I do it anyway stupidly. I glance behind me for just a moment and I am horrified by the sight of his arms wrapping around her waist. Then, they kiss.

I Want to be Your First Choice, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now