Chapter Seven

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"Oh sor- Hey Gab how are you feeling?" Harry says. I can't think of anything to say, I just want to say something like "I'm good" But I can't think with him standing so close to me, I just sort of stare at him. "Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine" I stutter out. He looks really good today, he looks good everyday but today he's wearing his quidditch sweater. He looks very...attractive in his quidditch sweater.

"Are you going to be ok to play today because I can sub someone else in" He says.

"Hermione is giving me this tea thing I'll be fine" I say. I don't want him to think that I won't be at my best.

"Oh that stuff really works you'll be back to your normal self in no time!" He says, he starts to walk away.

"Wait, you know what it is?" I ask.

"Gab, Hermione has brewed that tea for me plenty of times, yes I know what it is" He says. He starts walking so I walk with him. I wish that I could grab his hand but that's not really a thing that friends do unfortunately. I wish I could do a lot more things with him that wouldn't be a thing that friends do. He is taller than me by about seven inches. Ironically the perfect height difference in my opinion. I often think about what he would be like as a boyfriend rather than a best friend; I know though. He would be even more perfect than he already is. I spend enough time staring at him to know what things I love about him. Like the way he smiles when he knows he's right about something, or when he's frustrated clenches his jaw. It's not often that he takes his glasses off since he is basically blind without them but when he does take them off- I need to stop thinking about him, this isn't healthy. "Look, there's Cho" He says snapping me back into the harsh reality I live in. "She just looks beautiful today" He says. I want to throw up.

"Yeah she's pretty" I say. I'm not going to lie, she is a very beautiful girl. More beautiful than me at least. He waves at her, she just turns to her group of friends and giggles with them. If Harry ever looked at me like that I wouldn't ignore him like that- Never mind she waved back only after a few moments though. His face lights up and starts to turn bright red as we walk past her. I could swear she glared at me but it's probably just me being jealous.


At lunch I sit with Harry and Ron, Hermione comes into the Great Hall with the tea. "Here drink all of this and you'll be good for quidditch" She says. My headache was almost already gone in the first place so it just helps speed up the process.

"I'm assuming Gabriella won't be playing today" Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin boy, says from the table behind us.

"And why would you think that?" Harry asks.

"Oh I thought that she was sick, never mind" He sits back down.

"Was it Blaise who put something in your drink?" Harry asks. I think back and remember him standing off to the side but the actual person who was by my drink was Goyle.

"No. Goyle, it was Goyle he was there but it was really Goyle" I say. Why did I do that? Why did I tell him? Well at least now I know why they did it, so I wouldn't be able to play today. Probably the doing of Draco Malfoy, a boy who is also in Slytherin. Goyle and Blaise are like his followers they do as he says. Draco has always been out to get Harry in any way that he can and making him lose a quidditch game would just make his day.

"Ok I'll be right back" He says standing up. Ron and Hermione look to me to say something to stop him most likely.

"Later" I say, grabbing his arm. He sits back down. As if that solved anything, I essentially just told him he could get into trouble not now but later.

"Fine, we should get going to practice now anyways" Harry says. Ron and I follow him. "Don't work yourselves too hard at practice. I'm going to treat it as more of a warm up for the game later" He says as we walk out. I love playing quidditch even if it's just practice I still love it.

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