『 C H A P T E R 3 』

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Please read the announcement below as well^^
s a k u r a  y a n a

 We stood in front of the school and observed how big is this school. 

 This school is so big, how lucky I am to study here.

 I stare at the gigantic sky blue building. "Ohayo, Endou-kantoku." a guy with short wavy gray haired greeted. "Ohayo, this is my sister, Endou Yana." He said as he pointed his hand at me. "My name is Shindou Takuto, Raimon team's soccer captain." he then offered a hand to shake which I shook with it. 

 "Shindou, please take her to the director to get her time table." the guy with the orange bandana said. "Hai." Shindou answered and we then turned our back towards him and proceeded on the Director's office.

 "I saw a girl like you taking a jog a while ago. Say, is that you who were taking that jog but turned back?" he asked and I just hummed in response. "I see..." he murmured. He tells me some theories and facts about this school and he just keeps talking.

 "Do you speak or you just don't want to speak?" he asked and I sighed in defeat. He got me right. "Fine, I'll speak this time, but I'll stop talking when everyone's here." I replied. "Okay, but why aren't you talking when everyone's here?" he asked. "Personal reasons." I answered.

"I understand, I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." He apologized. "No, it's alright. Now that you heard me speak, I'll just talk when you're around." I said. "Hey, do you play soccer?" He asked. "I used to be a team's captain before I came here. I was wondering what are they doing at this time." I said.

"What team?" He asked. "Raven Light." I answered. "R-Raven Light...?" He stuttered. "Then... you're a fifth sector?" I nodded. "Don't worry I'm not sent to be Raimon's seed." I reassured and he sighed in relief.

"Come on, the class is about to start." We then walked to our classroom and introduced myself to everyone. I was told to sit beside Shindou since it was vacant and put my bag on the side.

The class is starting to get boring so I just stared in the window, restlessly. My stomach then created a sound that I can only hear but sadly... I saw Shindou looked at me and I just looked away. "I heard that, you're hungry." I then shooked my head, assuming that it wasn't me and my stomach growled again. "Your stomach says otherwise." He replied. "Fine."

The bell rang and Shindou leaded me in the canteen. "There, choose and buy your food." He said as I looked on the displays and drooled. I couldn't choose so I bought a lot. "Y-Yana, can you e-eat that all?" He asked, stuttering. "Yeah, I'm hungry." I replied. "Eh... let's just proceed to the soccer club."

The door slid while I was eating my food. "Yana!" The guy with the orange bandana hugged me and I just let him be, he then let go of me. "Everyone, meet my sister, Yana." He smiled.

"Hey, I know you play soccer. What not join and try-out?" He asked with a smile, just like I how I saw in his photo. "Not interested." I answered. "Eh, why not? Your friends from your former school are expecting you to play. Are you just going to let yourself sink in that darkness in you?" He asked. "Alright." I gave up and to his delight, he smiled.

"As the others are practicing their skills and shoots, Sangoku asked me to shoot. I kicked the ball and twisted in the air as water surrounded me and kicked the ball towards him. "Water Tornado!"

He blocked it with his Fence of Gaia but he couldn't handle it because of the ball's impact. "That was a strong one, Yana!" He praised.
 Heyyy sorry for the late re-post of chapter 3, I still had to wait for school to end to be able to re-type this chapter, also I changed the story so that it'll be less cringy, it's been 2 years (I think) since I wrote this book and when I re-read the draft I was like: what have I done to this book and characters.

But as I said from some announcement somewhere in the chapters, it's my first book so I'm trying to improve my writing skills as well.

Also check out my second book, it's afuro terumi x reader, it's still on going so check it out if you have interest in aphrodi because I don't see some aphrodi x reader book only a few so I decided why not write as well? I hope you'll like it.

Don't be afraid to point out some criticism in my stories so that I can improve more I know I made Shindou kind of out of character here so just leave some in the comments I'll take note of it^^

That's all, keep safe everyone^^

- dawnennairam

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