『 C H A P T E R 1 2 』

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e n d o u  m a m o r u

It's been a year and Yana is in senior high school along with Shindou. "Mamoru-kun, ohayo." Natsumi greeted. "Ohayo, Natsumi." I greeted back.

"Where's Yana-chan?" I asked, which she frowned. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You don't know?" She asked. "W-what do you m-mean?" I stuttered.

"Her father locked her to her basement. I tried to unlock the door but it's too strong." She said. "What do you mean by 'too strong'?" I asked. "I used the key that I thought it would work but it won't open."

Strange, it's the key that fits the keyhole but it won't open.

"How is that possible?" I asked. "I don't know. Shindou must be worrying right now. I hope she'll be alright." She said worriedly.

"She will be. She will be alright. We're going get her out of there, believe in her. She will get out." I said reassuringly.

s a k u r a  y a n a

That son of a bish. Just you wait until I get out. I stood up and search something that can help. I found a crowbar that can make a door break.

I put the crowbar between the screw and the screw hole in the side of the door. I then pushed it upward, sadly it didn't work. Instead, it bended downward as I pushed it down.

"Ugh, this isn't helping." I groaned. I saw a window that can fit only one person. I grabbed the crowbar and break the glass. No avail, it was high that my head nor my hands couldn't reach it.

I then grabbed a chair and climbed on it. Still couldn't reach it. It doesn't even make sense on breaking the window. Suddenly, a knock was heard.

"Yana, Yana!" A certain voice yelled through the door. "Nii-san!" I yelled back. "I'm coming don't worry, I'll get you ou-"

"Endou-kun!" I hear Natsumi-nee struggle on through the door. "Natsumi-san, what happened? What's wrong?" I asked through the door.

"Y-Yana-chan, we'll get you out of there. Your brother is in danger. I promise you we'll get you out of there!" She said as I hear her footsteps getting heavy as she ran.

Nii-san, Natsumi-san, okaa-san... please help me... I couldn't escape against my father's grip...

I then received a message from mom.

Hello sweetie, are you alright
   there? Tell me if your father
   did anything to you alright?

A tear escaped from my eyes. I thought I was going to die here but no, I still have my mom. I cried hard as hope flashed inside me.

I then called her, and answered me pretty quickly. "Hello sweetie?" She spoke through the other line as I sobbed. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"D-dad lo-locked me– here..." I replied as I cried for desperation. "WHAT?! I'm going to call your boyfriend if he knows about this." She said out of frustration.

"Don't worry, love. We'll get you out of there. Just hang on!" I nodded and hung up the call.

e n d o u  n a t s u m i

"You'll be next if you ever free him in this room." My stepfather warned. He then walked out of the room. "Endou-kun?" I called. "Natsumi, do you hear me?!" He shouted through the door.

b l i n d e d || Shindou Takuto x oc [REVISING]Where stories live. Discover now