『 C H A P T E R 2 』

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(Warning: Contains words that aren't appropriate for everyone.)

s a k u r a  y a n a

I was inside the Tokyo Airport and I was greeted my smiley cheater father. "Yana!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically and he hugged me. "How was England? Was it depressing that you got that face?" he asked, assuming to say 'yes'. I just rolled my eyes at him.

We arrived at his new gigantic house, more like a palace of the riches. He knocked, revealing his cheater wife. Maybe she also cheated to her husband then got divorced with him so that they can be happy.

"Oh, honey, you're home with Yana-chan." she smiled at me and I just glared at her. "Let me help you with yo–"

"No, thank you. I can lift it up to my room, if you would show me my room." I insisted sarcastically. "W-well, then come on in." she stuttered. We went in this gigantic house, and I saw a guy with an orange bandana on his head. He smiled at me, I just bowed my head.

"Yana-sama, let me take you to your room." a maid offered, she was about to grab my luggage but I insisted. She then took me to my room. I saw a queen size bed with a table on the side with a white lamp that I can put some design on it. Yes, I like DIY and Crafts.

And there's a giant wardrobe, there is a door on the side which will be the bathroom. That's what my bedroom look like.

I thanked the maid and she went to get her work done. I lay down to my bed and rest. I remembered the past where mom caught dad with a woman on their bed.

f l a s h b a c k

I went home from school, I placed my in the side of the sofa, I sat down the sofa. I gra–


I heard a glass shattered upstairs. I ran upstairs and saw heard mom and dad shouting at each other. "HOW THE F*CK COULD YOU DO THIS?!" I heard mom shouted at dad.

I opened the door seeing mom and dad fighting... about a woman. "Yana." dad called. "W-what is this?" I cried seeing a woman in their bed.

"Yana, t-this is n-nothing." he stuttered. "Nothing? How could you say it's nothing? Who is that woman? What is she doing here? Why are you... having an affair with her?" I cried.

"D-do you hate us? Don't you want to be happy with us? What happened to you? Have you forgot you're the one who told us that we'll be a happy family?" I cried more, I was upset and disappointed.

e n d  o f  t h e  f l a s h b a c k

"It's been three years, Yana. Three years." I said to myself as I doze off to sleep.


I was awaken by those knock from someone. I stood up and opened the door. "Good morning, I bought you breakfast!" the guy with the orange bandana greeted as he offered a food. "Sorry, I'm not hungry." I shut the door and get back to sleep again.

I can't sleep, it was 5:30 in the morning. Gosh that guy with orange bandana woke up so early. It's October 10, 2019, Thursday, three days after my birthday. I won't be able to celebrate my birthday with my mother.

I stood up and take a bath after, I wore black tank top, sweatpants, rubber shoes and jacket. I wore my earphones listening to so many sad songs because depression took over my place. I placed my phone in my pocket then went out and jog to river bank.

When I reached the river bank, I saw many guys around my age playing soccer. I knew that my brother is their coach because I have heard a lot about them.

I ran back before the guy with orange bandana call my name. I jogged back back home greeted by my stepmother. "Yana, you're home." she greeted. "Have you seen your brother?" she asked as I shook my head. I looked at my watch it's just 6:15 in the morning.

I sighed, 'if I didn't see that guy with orange bandana I should be jogging in the river bank by now. I went upstairs and changed to my uniform.

I ready my bag, putting my books and notebooks in my black Jansport bag. I went downstairs and went out but then I was stopped. "Wait, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" I shook my head.

"Wait for me. Let's go together." I sighed. He stood up and catch up. We walked on the route, not talking, until we reached the Raimon Jr. High.

Chapter 2 complete. Hope you like it!
(A.N: I'm so sorry it's short but I hope you like it. Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Vote. I don't own Inazuma Eleven Go characters here btw🙂. Enjoy!)
Stay safe!
– dawnennairam

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