『 C H A P T E R 5 』

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s a k u r a  y a n a

I woke up in the sound of my alarm in my phone. I sit up as I saw a bandage covered my wrist. I took it off and cleaned myself.

Suddenly, I saw a blood stain in my uniform by the waistline. "Yabai, where did I get this?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at my wrist and it's bleeding rapidly. I went to my wardrobe and get my gray sweater. I take my ribbon out of the sweater and went downstairs with my bag.

I saw Natsumi-san coking. To her surprise, she saw my sweater with a tint of red blood on it. She frowned and served the food. After I eat, she quickly grabbed my hands and fold my sleeve midway to my elbow. "Y-you knew." I mumbled. "Stop doing this. I was treating you and I felt sad because of the sadness and anger you had there. I hate to see you hurting yourself. You have to stop this, alright?" I nodded.

"Good morning." The guy with the orange bandana greeted. When he gazed to our direction, his eyes widened. "W-where did you get that?" He asked full of concern. "She just got acci-"

"I cut them." I cut her off while I was looking at my lap. "What? Why? Why did you want to end your life in such a wasteful way?! If your mother knew about this she wil-"


e n d o u  n a t s u m i

I was surprised at her sudden action. I was just clearly treating her wrist but she just suddenly stood up and yelled at him. It was so sudden.

Her sudden action was taken me back. I didn't know that she has this kind of side, like how much she doesn't want to be in this family.

With that she just ran away. I looked at my husband who was shocked as well of her sudden actions. He sat on the chair where Yana was seating a minute ago. He bent down, his hands ran through his hair.

"I just made her furious, she was so intense." He says. "It's alright, Mamoru-kun. Someday she'll listen to you." I smiled at him. He cried on my shoulders as I comforted him.

s a k u r a  y a n a

I ran fast, away from here. I don't care just to get out of this stupid family. I wanted to be happy but they wouldn't let me. I wanted to stay with my mother, but they wouldn't let me. I just wanna go home, I just wanna-


e n d o u  m a m o r u

"YANA!" We called her name almost a billionth time but there's still no sign of her. We asked some of people but some of them didn't see her also.

This is all my fault! If I hadn't said those words, she would just have gone to school now, but I just can't control myself. I have to protect her.

I heard a long honk of a car where a teen was running across the road, and I find myself standing in fear where people gathered around the teen.


We ran to that direction and Natsumi called an ambulance.

s a k u r a  y a n a

When I got hit the car, I see nothing but darkness and felt pain. I felt a tear fell down my cheek and heard someone crying.

The guy with the orange bandana.

I yelled at him, yet he cared for me. Why? I heard an ambulance came here and I felt I was being lift up.

Someone held my hand. "I-I'm so-rry..." The guy with the orange bandana cried. "Please forgive me." Was the last word I heard.
Chapter 5 complete! Hope you liked it!
(A.N: I'm sorry it's so short. Ples forgive me. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all!)
Stay safe!
- dawnennairam❤️

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