『 C H A P T E R 1 6 』

162 7 1

s a k u r a  y a n a
I felt a light shake on my shoulder to wake me up. "We're here already." I blinked multiple times and try to process. "Where are we?" I asked in evening voice. Before he even answer I peeked behind him and I was mesmerized at the scenery behind him. I went out of the car and stood in awe.

It's beautiful. A big galaxy was placed at the middle of stars. "I think you already know where we are." He chuckled at my expression. "I think so." I mumbled.

It's mesmerizing . Maybe that's why all the people are here with their picnic mats.

"Don't just stand there, help us!" Nii-san demanded. We helped them place the mat and once we're done we sat on it. I leaned at Shindou's shoulder and snaked his arms around me.

It's like just time stopped. Just Shindou, me, nii-san and Natsumi-san. It's a perfect double date, no wonder nii-san just planned something so special like this.

"Oh? I see the two couples are here." Someone interrupted. "Are, Kidou-kantoku." Shindou beamed. "I see, Kidou-kantoku is jealous. Why not date Fudou-san?" I teased. He then blushed redder than tomatoes. "I agree with Yana-chan." Natsumi-san nodded.

Bruh, this is going to be a homo date between them.

We enjoyed the scenery of the sky and Fudou-san came as expected. Meanwhile Kidou-kantoku was still flustered. They sat down and just watch the scenery above us.

t h e  e n d

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