『 C H A P T E R 6 』

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e n d o u  m a m o r u

Why it has to be her? It should be me! I don't want to see her die, please don't take her yet. She still have plans and dreams to fulfill. Not this time.

s h i n d o u  t a k u t o

It's 7:30 in the morning, 30 minutes before the class starts and she's still not here. I should probably go now maybe there is just something she need to catch up.

I went to my class and I was just listening but I can't concentrate. I feel like something happened. It's not good. I feel somethings not right here.

What is it?

s o c c e r  f i e l d

"Captain!" Tenma called and I found myself hitting by a ball right in the face (I swear it happened to me so many times later I might end up lying on the hospital bed. Anyway, back to the story!). "Captain, are you alright?" He asked concerned as I stood up the floor. "Y-Yeah, it's just... something's not just right here."

"There is." Coach Kidou replied. We all then turned our heads to him. "Yana is in the hospital." He said. "EEEEEEHHHHHHHH?!"

"She had a car accident just this morning and she was immediately bought at the hospital."


After the school dismissed, we all visited Yana in the hospital. We saw Coach Endou, and Ms. Natsumi. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked. "We heard about what happened to Yana." I replied. "She's in coma." He sadly said.

  e n d o u  m a m o r u

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm the one who caused this. If I didn't just said those words, this will not happened." I say as I looked Yana through the window.

"What do you mean, coach Endou?" Tenma asked. "We has a fight this morning just because of her cutted (is that a right verb to use for past tense? Feel free to point every mistake in a sentence. Back to the story!) wrist." I explained. "You mean she's hurting herself because of some reason?" I nod. 

"She told me she was so happy with her mother in England. She was so happy, but her happiness became a nightmare." Shindou mumbled underneath  his breath.

I saw him blushed. I can say he has feelings towards Yana. It was just her first day yesterday then she let a guy fall for his knees already. "I see, you already know the story behind her." I said as he blushed and nodded.

"Mr. Endou," a nurse called from behind. "She lost a lot of blood and we need you to be her donor which her blood type is B." She said sternly. I sighed.

I'm an A blood type (let's just pretend it's A I know nothing about his blood yet. Back to the story!). I turned to my team, no choice. "Anyone of you can donate? I'm an A blood type."

"I will." According to his medical results, he is a B type. "Please com this way." The nurse lead.

s h i n d o u  t a k u t o

I wish she wakes up with my blood in hers. I wanted to be in her side. I don't want to leave her behind. I love her. That's why I donated my blood.

The nurse injected me a long injection, it stings a bit but I decided not to look I might cry. I'm a crybaby so don't judge. The author made me a crybaby! (Damn, Shindou, there is something I need to tell you... *inhales* DONT BREAK THE FREAKING FORTH WALL!) IM SORRY! CANT TAKE IT!

Anyways, I saw my blood is being transferred in a medical bag where that is hanging at a medical stand (don't know what is it. I've never asked my father what is that object because he's a nurse.).

Once it was done, I sat up and put a cotton and a medical adhesive tape (my health teacher said that the white tape that look like the musking tape used for medical is called 'adhesive tape' don't blame me. Correct me if I'm wrong.).

I stood up and thank her. I went out the laboratory. "Captain, how does it feel when you got injected by a giant needle?" Tenma asked, feeling the fear. "It's not that painful or scary, it really felt serious." I admit.

"Shindou, thank you for donating your blood for my sister. It was a big help for her and for us." Coach Endou bowed. "No problem, coach Endou, I'm happy to help your sister." I smiled.

We all went home, praying to God that Yana will wake up.
Things did go fast, wasn't it?
So anyway...
Chapter 6 complete! Hope you liked it!
(A.N: I know it's short but this really what I wrote in my draft. Don't forget to Like, and Comment!)
Stay safe!
- dawnennairam❤️

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