『 C H A P T E R 8 』

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s a k u r a  y a n a

It's a gift! I unwrapped it and... it was a picture of the whole team with me in the middle. This is the moment where we won the championship between Columbia University and Raven Light University.

"Thank you, this is so reminiscing!" I cried. "The whole team misses you so much." She smiled.

e n d o u  m a m o r u

So this is how she is. Seeing her mother and the whole team around her makes a perfect picture.

The door was suddenly opened, to my surprise, her smile faded away so was her mother. "It's daddy!" Yanada squealed.

s a k u r a  y a n a

"What are you doing here?" Mom flinched in my father's question. I sighed. "Mom just wanted to see me. Besides, I'm so happy to see them with Yanada and the whole team. There's nothing overreact." I smiled. "Actually I was about to go. Let's go Yanada." I flinched as she took Yanada with her. "We have to go as well Yana. Happy Birthday to you again!" Lucy greeted. They then are out of my sight. As well as the Raimon Eleven.

Great, what a best birthday that I had. Leaving me with onii-chan, Natsumi, my father and my husband-stealer mother. "That's why I brought you here!" He exclaimed. "Is that what you want? Bring me back here and get rid of my mother?" I retorted coldly.

"We are a one family here, Yana."

"No we're not. You just got divorced with mom so that you can be happy with that woman, sorry for the term, but I'm not in a one family without my real mother on my side." I say sarcastically.

"Yana, I want you to be happy." He said. "Happy? Do I look happy after what you did last 3 years to us, to my mother?" I asked as I point my finger on my face and emphasizing my mother. "Do you know how  much the person loves you? Do you know that she is suffering from many sickness and I couldn't be there on her side and she even doesn't get sleep or eat just for us to have food and rest?! She have sacrificed so much for us because of you! Isn't she enough for you to marry that woman?!" I retorted.

"Yana, that's too much of for you to speak those words to your mother!" He yelled as she comforted her.

Mother?! Excuse me she never even took care of me when I was a kid. Has she even done anything for me? NOTHING! It's Natsumi who has took care of me almost everyday!

"So what?! I care for my mother, unlike you, who just saw a beautiful woman who fell in love and leave his family behind!" I yelled back at him. "You do not speak to me like that!" He sped-walk to me, about to slap my white, pale face. I just closed my eyes, waiting to get slapped.

"Father, stop!" I opened my eyes and see onii-chan stopped his hand as he cover me. Father stopped as he pulled his weeping wife out of my room.

I hugged my knees and buried my face on my knees and started to cry. "H-hey, Y-Yana, dont cry... I know it hurts b-ut don't let this m-make you d-down." I hear Natsumi as she stutter.

I was crying loud like it was not going to stop. "Here." I raised my head and see Natsumi passed the water to me. I drank it almost full of it but still left some for them. I passed the water back to her as she rub circles in my back.

"This is not good, she's looks so pale." Onii-chan said to her. "Oh no, this is not really good." She replied. 

My vision became blurry as darkness occupied my vision.

e n d o u  m a m o r u

I hear the system (I forgot what's it called. Back to the story!) beeped as Yana fainted in Natsumi's arms.  "YANA!" She yelled.

I looked at the adrenaline(?) as her heart rate(?) became flat. I stood up and find a doctor immediately.

e n d o u  n a t s u m i

The doctor rushed in her and checked her heart beat with her thing (I KEEP FORGETTING THE NAMES OF THINGS! WELP MEH!).

"The patient is not stable. We'll need to bring her at the ER (again... I'm sorry. Correct me if I'm wrong. IM NOT GOOD AT THIS THINGS AT HOSPITAL. It's been so long since I came in there.)."

"What if she'd gotten more worst?" I asked concerningly about her health. "Everything will be fine, hon. Everything will be fine." He repeated as he pulled my on his chest.

I'm scared. What will happen if she'd gotten more worst? It's alright Natsumi... as Mamoru said 'Everything will be fine.' I CANT IM PACING HERE ON THE INSIDE! Lord please help my stepsister-in-law. She's too special for us to have her here with us.
She's too depressed, and I wanted to show her more that will make her happy. So as her mother and siblings. She can't just think that no one absolutely cares for her because her brother does care about her a lot. GAAAAAAAHHHHH WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?! I wanted to heal her broken heart and make her live with her mother and siblings.

We stood in front of the room then later on the doctor came out of the room with a medical gown and medical mask around her. "How is she?" I asked.

She took off her gloves and mask with a frown on her face. "She is stable and I'm sad to say... she has a virus that infected her." She informed. My eyes widened. "W-what v-irus?" Endou's voice broke between. "M3 virus known as Ebola Virus. We never had a patient with virus but we'll try our best to look for the cure." She said.

FOR GOODNESS' SAKE, WHERE DID SHE GET THAT FREAKING VIRUS?! WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS?! Calm down, Natsumi, it's going to be fine... breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out... IM PACING AGAIN! THIS IS TOO MUCH! I swear to kill her father! This it's too much... it's her birthday and this is what she gets. NO NO NO NO NO AND NO! UH-UH THIS WONT BE HAPPENING. THIS IS JUST A DREAM RIGHT? Ha, this cannot let me down. Although she doesn't want us to be so down.

f l a s h b a c k

"N-Natsumi?" Yana called with her sleepy morning voice as I treat her wrist. "Yana, get back to sleep." I said. "Please, I never wanted to see you worry for me. For you who understand me in this situation." She smiled. "Yana, I know you do not want me to get worry but you're my step-sister and I cannot just not worry for you. Because we already accept you as our family." I stated. She smiled sleepily. "I know you will." She smiled and drift back to sleep.

"I love you."

The last words I heard before I go out or her room.

e n d  o f  t h e  f l a s h b a c k

Chapter 8 complete! Hope you liked it!
(A.N: I don't own Inazuma Eleven Go characters.)
Stay safe!
Love you all❤️
- dawnennairam❤️

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