Chapter 10~Lights~

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       Everyone just kinda just doing their own thing. Harriet, Sonya, Brenda, and Minho went down the latter about half an hour ago. They're probably dead asleep by now since it is nighttime. The lanterns we placed around the boat lights up enough to where we can see. I'm standing up next to the wheel of the ship with Jorge. I see Gally just starring off into the dark waters. Frypan and Thomas are on the opposite side talking to one another. Aris is a little bit past Thomas and Fry playing with Violet. "You should go speak to him." Jorge says out of no where. "Who?" I question. Jorge turns to look at me. "Gally." He states referring to the incident earlier. I feel the sudden anger I felt before when I hit him. "I have nothing to say to him." I refuse as Jorge looks at me, "He didn't mean what he said hermana. You know that more than anyone on this boat." He's right. Of course he's right. He knew Newt longer than I ever knew him. "Okay." I say blankly walking down the steps towards Gally as he continues to stare at the endless ocean. The dark ocean that reminds me of the void in my dreams. The pitch blackness that never ends. "Gally." I state as he doesn't turn to look at me. "I'm sorry Y/N." Gally apologizes avoiding looking at me. "I'm sorry too. It's not every day that I get so angry I lash out like that." I admit as Gally starts to chuckle. "I deserved it... The way I acted reminds me of how I was in the Maze. And that's someone I never want to be again." Gally opens up still starring into the sea. "We're all different people from those kids who were stuck in that Maze." I try to cheer him up as he finally turns to look at me, small tears in his eyes. "I was a terrible person Y/N. I did things I'm not proud of. I never want to go back to how I use to be." He cries starring into my eyes. "I'd die before I ever act like that again." Gally adds leaning on the side of the boat. "Gally, I didn't know you in the Maze. But from what I've heard, you've changed so much since then. I mean look at you. You're crying." I start to laugh a little. "The Gally that was in the Maze never cried according to everyone else. You've changed a lot Gally, and I believe it'll stay this way... We've all done things we're not proud of. That's what makes us human. That's what makes us-." I try when Gally cuts me off. "Lights." He blankly says. "Right! Lights of the world-." I try again until he turn my direction. "No Y/N. Lights." Gally repeats pointing out towards the mainland. My heart skips a beat once I see what he's talking about. "Could that be?!" I question in excitement. "A city." Gally states with an unbelievable tone. "Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!" I shout as Gally turns and hugs me. "It's a city!" Gally yells with enthusiasm. "I can't believe it!" I tightly hug Gally. "What's going on here?" I hear Thomas question as he walks up. I let go of Gally turning to the dark haired boy. "Look!" I say pointing towards the lights on the mainland. I watch as Thomas' expression turns to joy. "Y/N! You were right!" Thomas shouts as Aris walks up with little Violet in his arms. "Aris!" I tell in excitement. "There's a city! There's actually a place to start!" I add going up to hug him. He grabs me with one arm, Violet in the other. "That was much easier I thought it would be." Aris laughs as I let go. "I need to tell Minho!" I shout about to run past the people around me. "Woah woah! Hold on." Thomas holds my shoulders. "What?" I question starring into his eyes. "Minho's asleep. And we should too. We've got a long journey ahead of us." Thomas mentions. I know he's right. We might not get to sleep very much when we land. "Okay." I give in.
       I lay on the floor as the rocking back and fourth makes me a little dizzy. I just can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about those lights. A city... an actual city. It's a miracle. We found a city so soon. I had a feeling we would have to walk a bit of ways searching for one. Who knew there would be one right on the coast? I stare at the ceiling lost in thoughts. What if it's not what we're looking for? What if... they can't help us. I start to second guess my decisions. Is this the right thing? What if-... I stop for a second. Starring at the blackness in silence. I can't think like that. I have to believe. I have to trust that I'm doing the right thing. All the sudden memories of Newt come to mind. The kiss we had on the rooftop when he told me about his infection. How happy and sad I was in that moment. How many times he gave me clarity when I couldn't give it to myself. He always reassured me I was doing the right thing. I wish he could be here right now... telling me that what I'm doing is the right choice. That going back to the mainland isn't a suicide mission.
       We sit around the campfire Frypan made for us. We just lost Winston. All I am thinking about was what Winston told me before we left him underneath that rock. Minho and I had just gotten back from our talk about Winston. "Why do you look so sad?!" Frypan shouts to someone. I look up seeing him starring straight at me. I'm speechless. "You didn't even know him!" The cook yells kicking over his backpack. "It's because of you that were in this mess in the first place!" He blames walking up to me as I get up. "Frypan..." I start as he shuts me down. "No! It's all you're fault that we're stuck out here! It's all your fault that Winston's dead!" Frypan angrily points into my chest blaming me for everything that happened. "Fry." Newt gets up as well trying to reason with him. "Save it. She's the whole reason we're out here running around like headless chickens. She's going to get us all killed. Just like Winston." Frypan announces. I sit back down without saying anything as Frypan just laughs. "You damn well know what you've done." He shames walking back over to his spot. I stare into the fire with tears in my eyes as Minho sharpens his knife next to me. No one else says a word. All you can hear is the sound of the wood logs burning from the fire. Suddenly, I get up to walk away. "Y/N." Newt tries before I ignore him walking away from the camp.
       I sit alone about 15 feet from the camp. I stare down at the sand breathing deeply in to try and stop the crying. Before I know it, Newt comes and sits right next to me. He doesn't say anything for a moment... he just stares. "You haven't had one good sleep since you left the Maze have you?" Newt questions as I avoid all eye contact with him. I try to wipe my tears away without making it a big deal. I don't answer. "Listen, Frypan was just letting off some steam. Him and Winston were close." Newt explains trying to cheer me up. "He's right though... I'm the reason we're stuck out here." I admit as I continue to stare down at the sand. "No." Newt refuses with a quite voice. "No you're the reason we're free." Newt's voice is so gentle, so calming... so relieving. "Now the others may have their doubts, and that's fine, but... they would follow you anywhere." Newt quietly encourages as I look over to him. "They would follow you too." I blankly state. "No. It's different with me though, you know it is." Newt denies while I see him starring at me though my peripheral vision. "Look we all have our roles to play." Newt mentions. I turn my head gazing at him. "But... I don't know where we're going." I admit with tears in my eyes. "We're lost." I add turning my head away almost as if I'm ashamed for him to look at me. "We've all been lost before love." Newt reminds me. "Yea not like this." I say shutting my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks. It becomes quite. All I feel is the disappointment in myself. Feeling as if I let everyone down. As if I'm not good enough. "There is a place for us out there somewhere. I don't know where it is, but I do know an awful lot of our friends have died for us to get this far." Newt mentions as I turn my head once again towards him. He stares straight into my e/c eyes. "So we can't give up." He starts, "You... can't give up." Silence fills the air around us. "I won't let you." He replies. I stare into his dark brown eyes, my heart beating through my chest. For a second, it almost feels as if we're trapped in time. Neither of us can move, only stare into each other's eyes. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close as I rest my head on his shoulder. We both sit in silence starring into the darkness facing away from out camp. "Come on love. Get some sleep, yea?" He smiles as do I. He gets up and starts walking back to the others.
       I wake up tears pouring down my cheeks. My head pounds as my body aches. A memory. I thought that was real... "Y/N! Get up here!" Someone shouts from the top. "One second!" I reply wiping the tears lingering on my cheeks.
       After getting decent clothing on, I remember the light we saw the night before. Have we made it? I quickly climb up the ladder seeing everyone else waiting for me. I quickly start walking as Thomas meets me halfway. "We've got a problem." Thomas says holding my shoulders, stopping me from walking. "Oh no." I reply. Seriously? They probably can't help us. It's probably a dead end. Either a city that won't let us in because of the virus, or not even civilization at all. I knew it was too good to be true. "Y/N... I need you to stay calm." Thomas stares into my e/c eyes. What could he possibly mean calm!? "Thomas... you're scaring me." I mention as my heart starts to race. "You should be." Thomas' serious expression makes me want to vomit everywhere. What could he possibly be talking about. It can't be that bad can it? I take a deep breath. "I'm ready." I reply as he moves out of my way. All of the group is starring out to the mainland. My body begins to shake. I walk to the crowd as they make way for me. We're docked at a city! A city surrounded by burnt trees and dead, black grass. What was Thomas talking about? What is so bad about this-? I stop thinking realizing the problem. I cant move. I feel like I can't breathe. My eyes stuck to the sight like glue. A ginormous screen on a building. All the sudden, Minho's face come up on the screen. Oh no. Next Thomas' face flashes over the screen. This isn't good. About 10 second later, Newt's face take over the screen. What is this? Lastly, a picture of me is planted on there. Shit. The words "Wanted" labeled over each of our pictures along with our subject letters. A'7, A'2, A'5, A'1. And the lettering W.C.K.D plastered on the top left corner of the screen.

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