Chapter 13~It Doesn't Hurt Anymore~

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       I hold the serum tightly in my palm as we stand outside the room of the hospitalized girl. All of us are here, including little Violet. "I can take it from here." Amanda offers as I shake my head. "No. It's my serum... I want to be the one to give it to her." I insist as Amanda understands immediately, stepping to the side. "You'll have to go through decontamination going in and coming out. The injector is inside the cabinet on the left of her bed. " Amanda informs as she grabs a yellow hazmat suit for me before putting it away. I guess she forgot I don't exactly need it. I walk towards the sliding doors. Amanda presses a button causing the doors to slowly slide open. I look back at Thomas as he nods signaling to go. I step through the doors as they close behind me. I'm not quite in the hospital room. I'm about to go through decontamination. A voice comes over a small intercom. "Preparing for decontamination." The voice speaks. The picture in front of me shows a body with its arms out, so I do as it shows. I close my eyes as I feel a spewing sound of water. Small droplets of liquid form on my body as the sound stops. "Decontamination complete." The voice announces opening the second slide doors leading into the hospital room. I take a deep breath slowly stepping through into the room. The small girl sits up in her bed starring at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing in here without a suit? You could get infected-." The girl warns before stopping. Her voice sounds exactly like her mother's. "Is it you?" She starts to cry. "Are you really here in front of me?" She adds tears streaming down her face. I walk over to the cabinet on the left opening it to see the familiar white injector with the lettering W.C.K.D. The sight brings back memories of Teresa and Janson. Especially the fight between me and him. Once I turn around, I notice that the window the others are looking through is a mirror. This whole time, she didn't even see us. I walk over to the girl as she stares up at me. The veins on her neck are starting to blacken. "Hi there." I state with a smile. "Obviously you know who I am." She sits up straight starring up at me. "Y/N Paige! My mother has talked the world about you." Her British voice sounds scratchy from the lack of water. I place the blue substance into the injector. "What is your name?" I ask the small child as she puts her blonde hair behind her ear. She has a distinct scar underneath her right ear. "Emily." She replies looking down at the white bed sheets. "Well then Emily. You don't have to be afraid anymore." I smile as she looks up at me. "Is that?" she questions before I nod my head. "This blue substance is my antiviral. I'm going to cure you." I mention pulling an alcohol pad out of a small packaging that was next to her bed. I turn her arm where her palm is facing me. I start to rub a spot on top of her blackened vein. "This might sting a little." I warn her as she lays back. "Just do it. Please... I don't want to end up like my daddy." Her words catch me off guard which lead to me starring at the small child tightening her eyes shut. As much as I want to ask, I need to end her pain. I rotate back down to her arm. I place the injector on her forearm hesitant to push the button to inject her with the serum. Before I think to much into it, I press the side button as the blue serum leaves the glass container. Emily grips my arm as the last of the blue liquid enters her bloodstream. I gently pull the white injector up out of her skin as blood starts to slowly ooze out of her arm. I grab the paper towel next to me, holding it onto her arm. I look at the small girl as she breathes clearly starring up at the ceiling. "You did so good!" I encourage as her eyes open. We make eye contact as she smiles. She slowly sits up more and holds her arms out into a hug. I pull her small body towards mine as her arms wrap around my neck. "It doesn't hurt anymore." She informs with her small voice. "Thank you." Emily replies right afterwards. As she pulls away, she lays back down. "Get some rest sweet girl." I suggest stroking her long blonde hair in comfort. I watch as tears start to fall down her cheeks. "You're my hero." Emily whispers before quickly drifting into a deep sleep. I continue to stroke her hair until I for sure know she's asleep. I slowly get up from the bed when I see a picture frame sitting on the desk next to her bed. It's a picture of Emily and a man, who I'm assuming is her father. I guess he was lost to the virus. She's in her fathers arms as they're both smiling. This picture doesn't look that old... was it recent? Her father has chestnut brown hair and green eyes. I decide now's not the time to be nosy. I leave the girl as I start walking back to the decontamination doors. They slide open as I do exactly as I did before. It felt so good to help her that way... maybe one day we can do that for the rest of the world.
       After decontamination, I walk out into the hallway. Everyone is gone, probably back at Amanda's place. I start walking down the long corridor of broken walls. This plan Amanda has... getting us into the city. Gally is right... it is so risky. If we make one mistake, we could loose someone. I cannot let that happen. Not again.
       I enter into Amanda's kitchen as I hear her voice along with the others in the living room. Once I step into the room, Amanda turns around to me giving me a hug. "Thank you Y/N. I owe you and your entire group my life." She smiles with tears of joy in her eyes. "Come sit! I was just about to explain Recruiting Day to everyone." She mentions letting go of me. I make my way over to the couch, sitting down next to Aris and Thomas. Violet puts her arms out at me as I pull her up onto my lap. "So you might all me wondering what Recruiting day actually is. Wicked started this about 2 years ago. In 3 days, counting today, Wicked will put on their 3rd annual Recruiting day." Amanda takes a drink of water and continues. "There are 2 jobs Wicked looks for in every city. The guards and the doctors. They take a total of 5 guards and 3 doctors in each safe zone. They choose you based solely on your skill level. So sadly... not all of you can get into the city this way. But don't worry! Whoever doesn't get into the city, I will have my men escort you to the outskirts of the city! I will give you enough supplies to set up a small base camp." Amanda offers as confidence comes over me. "A guard? Easy!-." I try to continue when Amanda stops me. "Y/N... one of Wicked's main rules is," She pauses as we all grow very silent. Even Violent has all of her attention on her. "Females are not allowed to be recruited as guards..." Amanda informs as my blood starts to boil. "I'm sorry can you repeat that? I don't think I heard that right." I reply as Amanda closes her eyes. "Y/N, I'm sorry. They're not my rules. If you want into that city... you have to be recruited as a doctor." She explains exactly what I thought. My heart starts to pound. "But I don't even know anything about heath care!" I announce with anger in my tone. "My doctors can teach you!" She encourages. "In 3 days!?" I question with little hope in my tone. "It's not impossible Y/N." Thomas says next to me. "That's like asking a kindergartner to do surgery on someone after learning their ABC's!" I compare as Amanda stares at me. "Y/N... if you want into that city, you have to try." She states as I take a deep breath, quieting any other arguing I have left in me. "Your training starts tomorrow. I will work on getting you three disguises in the next couple hours. You all will stay in my penthouse. There's enough rooms for your all to have your own." Amanda finishes as she walks into her kitchen. We all sit on the couch speechless. "I'm not getting into that city." I say aloud. "Y/N, you don't know that!" Minho replies trying to cheer me up. "I know nothing about being a doctor Minho! There's no way I'm getting picked." I state. "Y/N... BOTH of your parents AND your sister are some sort of doctors. You mean to tell me you know nothing about it?" Thomas tries. "I'm not them Thomas! I don't even consider them my family." I reject. I think back to the dream I had about Ava Paige telling Teresa and I that we are adopted. Aris turns to me. "Y/N... give it some time. You have 2 days to learn all you need to know to get recruited. If there's anyone that can do it... it's you." Aris encourages and I say nothing. If I want to get inside that city... I have to learn how to become a doctor in 2 days. That is impossible.
       I continue to sit on the couch. The others have settled into their rooms except for Minho, Thomas, and I. Amanda wanted to get straight on finding us disguises for our training in the city tomorrow. Amanda and Shawn start bringing in boxes. The three of us watch as Shawn pulls the last box inside the penthouse, closing the door right after. "Alright. Who's going first?" Amanda questions with a smile. Thomas and I look at each other before pushing Minho up from the comfortable couch. "Come one guys." Minho sighs. "Alright Minho. Look through these boxes and pick out a wig." Amanda offers and Minho does as he's told. He starts to dig through the boxes of fake hair. He pulls out a black wig similar to his hair. "I like this one!" Minho shows Amanda as she smacks her head against her palm. "Minho... the whole point of a disguise is to hide your identity. Getting the exact same color of hair won't get you anywhere. I will pick for you. Go into the bathroom. I'll get you your wig and a new set of clothes." Amanda instructs as she take the wig from Minho's hands. Minho does as he's told, walking into the bathroom before shutting the door. As Amanda digs through the remaining boxes, Thomas taps my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He continues, "You were so excited for this plan. What happened?" I turn to look into Thomas' dark brown eyes. "You guys are going to have to do this without me. If I could recruit as a guard then maybe... but a doctor? I have no chance Thomas." I hate the way I sound right now. I dragged everyone out here and I sound so hopeless. "There's still a chance Y/N. You still have 2 days to train. You can make it." Thomas encourages. I look over to see Amanda opening the bathroom door handing Minho the costume. "I can try." I fake a smile turning back towards him. "Whatever you have to do Y/N to get into that city, do it. We're not exactly here to play fair." Thomas reminds me. He's right. We're not here to play fair. We're here to get the equipment to save the world. All the sudden Minho comes out of the bathroom with a frown on his face. Thomas and I burst into laughter at the sight. Minho has a blonde wig on that is swooped up sort of like his old hair. He has khakis and a long sleeve with a vest over it. "This is stupid." Minho states as both Thomas and I stand up. "It's pretty good honestly." Thomas replies. "It's perfect! Including the fact that Wicked members are pretty oblivious." Amanda informs as I think back to when those drunk Wicked guards were drifting their vehicle all around the sand when Minho was captured. "I look stupid!" Minho shouts. "You don't look like Minho." I reply continuing, "Minho come on. We're all going to look ridiculous. If it gets us past the security and into the city, I'm willing to do whatever." Minho stares at his new appearance in the mirror. "Okay. One of you shanks go so I can laugh at you." Minho rolls his eyes plopping down onto the couch. Thomas walks up to Amanda as she points towards the bathroom. I'm guessing none of us will get to pick our new looks. Amanda once again digs through the boxes of wigs. I look at Minho's new appearance. He seems so angry. "I think you look great Minho." I say with a smile. "I look like a business nerd." He mentions as I laugh a little bit. He's not wrong. Finally Thomas walks out of the bathroom in his disguise. He has a red wig that is a normal style for a guy. He's wearing a black button up and khakis. Minho starts to laugh. "Okay now I see how funny this actually is." Thomas sits down next to him as I walk up towards Amanda before she points me in the direction of the bathroom. I do as the other two did, making my way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. The bathroom has gray walls, white backsplash, and marble countertops around the sink. Above the sink in a mirror, and the shower has glass around it. I patiently wait for my outfit as I stare at myself in the mirror. It's been so long since I've seen my own reflection. I touch my h/c hair, pushing it behind my ear. It feels dirty and oiled. I pull down my shirt a little from the top starring at the scar on the left side over my heart. I close my eyes seeing crank Newt pushing the knife into my skin. I slowly lift my sleeves seeing the scars at the top of my arms. I use my finger to brush over the healed over piece of skin. I close my eyes again seeing crank Newt swinging the knife cutting my arms. "That wasn't him." I mumble to myself continuing to stare at the scars. Suddenly a knock appears at the door. I shake my head away from my thoughts answering the door. Amanda hands me folded clothes and other things including the wig.

Authors Note: Obviously you get to pick the color of your wig. Try and pick something different from your original hair color for the best outcome. w/c = wig color :)
w/l = wig length

       I slowly separate the clothes and accessories from each other on the counter. A beautiful, white dressy long sleeve shirt and a blue flowery skirt. I've... never been able to dress up before. Not like this. I look to the left at the wig. It's a w/l w/c wig. Well here goes nothing. First, I take off my shirt reveling my skin to the cold air of the pent house. I put on the tighter white shirt. Then I roll my jeans down my legs and pull the skirt up. I turn to the mirror starring at myself. "I look so... pretty." I say aloud. I've never wore tight clothes before. Next, I put on the simple white shoes. They're closed toe lace-less slip ons. Then I pick up the wig. How do I put this on? How did Thomas and Minho get these on so fast? I open the bathroom door stepping back into the living room area. "Amanda, how am I supposed to get this on?" I question the woman as she smiles. I look over at Thomas and Minho. They are dead starring at me with their mouths open slightly. I feel myself start to blush just a little. I turn back to Amanda as she walks forward. "You look beautiful darling." She mentions with her sweet British accent. She takes the wig from my hands and walks behind me. She gently grabs my hair together and pulls it back into a low bun. She then places the w/c wig on top of my head and starts to mess with it. "There." She states walking back in front. "It's perfect!" She encourages as Minho and Thomas walk up towards me. "Now... when you're training starts tomorrow, you only have to wear the wigs. They will give you two comfortable uniform to train in and Y/N scrubs to work in the hospital. If you get recruited and they take you guys to the city, that's when you wear these clothes. They expect you to dress formal to meet Mason." Amanda informs continuing. "But for now get some rest. I will have Shawn escort you to your rooms. Have a great night, and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning for your first day of training. Feel free to take a shower in the bathrooms around the penthouse and use anything that is inside your rooms. If you get hungry, the kitchen is open." Amanda smiles before leaving. Shawn walks up to the three of us looking at us one by one. "Those are pretty good disguises!" He compliments as we follow him to the end of a hallway up some stairs. This place is massive... and it's all Amanda's. Once we reach the top of the stairs, two doors on either side of each other appear. "Both you boys pick out of these two. There's not much of a difference from them. Y/N... your room is a little more down the hallway." Shawn starts to walk again when Thomas grabs my arm stopping me from following the guard. Thomas looks at me as if he's worried. "It's okay." I say with reassurance grabbing his hand. He hesitantly nods letting go of my arm. "I'll see you two in the morning." I finish turning back toward Shawn. He takes me down the hallway, not too far from the others. "Here's your room... Amanda specifically picked this one for you. Make yourself at home." Shawn opens the door for me as I walk through. The heavy wooden door showily shuts behind me before I flip the light switch. A huge room with light gray walls and a big white bed. It seems to has its own bathroom and a big walk in closet. This is mine? A ginormous smile appears on my face as I run plopping into the cushioned mattress. The bed frame has beams on each corner that hold up a platform above the bed. I quickly take the wig off of my head taking a deep breath in. I could get use to this. I sit up starting around the quiet room. I'm the only one. Just me in a quiet room... it's comforting. I stand up walking inside the bathroom. I open the glass door of the shower, turning the nob as water slowly falls from the circular head. I guess I should shower and get to sleep... tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow I start my training to get inside the city.

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