Chapter 2~Her Speech~

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       I hurry to the meeting room where Vince stands there waiting for me. "Vince?" I question as he turns around with a smile. Why is he smiling? "Yes good! I need to talk to you." Vince bends over the table and writes something down on a piece of paper. "I thought this could wait until after breakfast?" I question the leader as he looks up from the paper he's writing on. "Yes I did say that. But I just had so many ideas... I just had to spit it out!" Vince exclaims as if he's excited. "So this isn't urgent?" I assume as he immediately speaks. "It is urgent! Just not a bad urgent. I just have so many ideas!" Vince frantically explains. "Vince are you okay? Are you... on something?" I question as he takes a deep breath in. "No. I am not 'on something'. Look, do you know what today is?" Vince asks in a calmer manner. I shake my head, almost afraid of answering wrong. "Today is day 358 of being on the island." Vince informs. It's exactly what I figured he was talking about. A year ago today we attacked the city and saved Minho. "A year ago today we attacked the city." Vince explains almost as if he can hear my thoughts. "I see... so what does this have to do with me?" I ask. Vince looks down at me turning around writing more down on this piece of paper. "Tonight we are going to celebrate... and I want you to give a speech." Vince finishes turning to me starring. "You want me?" I start as he nods his head. "To give a speech?" I question secondly. He continues to nod his head. "In front of the whole camp?" I ask unable to believe what he wants me to do. "Yes ma'am." He states. "About what!? Why can't you?! You're their leader!" I shout. Vince stops for a second, my face flustered. "Look. I've given many speeches. Y/N, you're the cure to this mess. You can really catch their attention if you do it right." Vince tries to continue on until I stop him. "Just stop! Stop reminding me that I'm the cure!" I argue slamming my hands on the table, then storming out of the tent. "Just think about it!" Vince'a voice finishes as I walk far away from the community.
       Does Vince really think I should be the one to make the speech? After everything that has happened, he thinks I'm the best fit? "Y/N, I've been looking for you, why are you over here..." Minho walks up before stopping. "What's wrong?" He questions dropping his subject he supposedly found me to talk about. I don't say a word. Maybe then he'll get the hint to go away. "You only come here when you're thinking." Minho mentions. He knows me too well. It's a small clearing through the trees. I came here a lot after I woke up here for the first time. It's the place that calms me. The place that helped me grief. "Vince wants me to make the speech at the celebration tonight." I inform. "That's great!" He starts walking closer to me. "No it's not." I shut him down. He says nothing noticing the seriousness in my expression, stopping in his tracks. "Y/N... that's an honor. Why are you upset about it?" Minho walks closer trying to pry the guilt out of me. Trying to get me to spill my emotions. He wouldn't understand. "I just don't know what to say." I lie. That isn't the reason. That's not even the slightest reason. "You're worried about that? Y/N, what happened to the spunky girl that we met back a Janson's sanctuary? The one who wasn't afraid of anything." Minho mentions. "That was before." I blankly state. "Before what?" Minho curiously asks walking closer again putting his hand on my shoulder. "Look Minho, I don't have time to talk about it. I need to decide because the celebration is soon." I say avoiding the topic. Minho thinks for a second. All I can hear is the chirping of the crickets. "Do it." Minho finishes. "Do it?" I question looking at him. "Y/N, you'll know what to say when it comes. You just have to trust that." Minho starts, "Look I know I was never the one that was good at the pep-talks. We both know who gave the best advice. But i'm telling you exactly what I believe he would be telling you right now." Minho stares down at me. "You just have to trust yourself."
       Everyone gathers around Vince, our leader. The sun is down now, and the celebration is about to start. "Alright guys, settle down." Vince announces to all of the chattering people around him. We're at the same place Vince gave us that speech when we first got here. "Everyone please give a warm welcome to the person who is going to be talking to you today. Y/N." Vince announces stepping aside. I stand up from my chair as everyone in the camp is talking. I pull out my prepared speech written on an old napkin. I meet Vince in front of the crowd as he leaves the rest to me, returning to a chair. Turning around seeing all of the familiar faces. My heart starts to pound as I look down at the dirty napkin. I clear my throat preparing to speak. "Hi Everyone." I start off looking at each person individually. "Most of you know who I am," I say shaking, "but if you don't... my name is Y/N. I was part of the Maze Trials like a lot of you." I inform, short of breath. "If you don't know what the Maze Trials is then... good." I joke as some start to laugh. I look down at the cheesy speech I worked so hard on. My eyes are brought toward the people. Some yawning, some stretching, a couple bouncing their leg. "Okay." I state putting the napkin inside my pocket. "Can all of you do something for me? Can you all close your eyes?" I ask. They all look at one another hesitant before they follow orders, shutting their eyes. "I want you to think. If you lost someone to the Flare. If you lost someone since this whole mess started. Weather it was murder." I start to think of Wicked shooting my grandma those years ago. "Suicide." Flashes of my brother face appears in my mind. "Or from the Flare itself." Images of Newt's smile come back from my memories. "Then just raise your hand." I finish watching hands slowly rise up from every person in the audience. "Now keep your hands up and open your eyes." I state watching as all the people rotate their heads around, examining all of the hands raised. Everyone's attention is finally 100% pulled on me. "You can put your hands down." I suggest while they do as their told. "We're all so different. So unique in our own ways. But
...we all have one thing in common." I point out. "Every single one of you listening to me right now can think of at least one person who has lost their life to this virus. To the aftermath of the pandemic." I explain as all the people start to nod. "358 days ago we attacked Wicked. And in a few days... we would have been on this island for a year." I mention to the crowd. "And I'm sorry." I say before pausing, staring at each individual person. "I'm sorry that those people couldn't be here with us today to celebrate. I am truly sorry that parent, sibling, that friend...or that person you were in love with couldn't be here with us today." I add tears start to form inside my eyes. Others start to smile while some start to cry. "But they don't have to be forgotten." I encourage. "This celebration is not only for the people who survived," I pause. "It's also for those brave people that sacrificed themselves so that we can be standing here today." Someone in the crowd shouts. "So celebrate for them! Celebrate our freedom with their name in mind! All of those names carved into that stone," I point to the memorial. "Celebrate for them." The people start to clap. "Because of them, we're safe!" I shout as people in the crowd start to stand. "Because of them, we are free!" I add as they start shouting. Their claps and yells make me feel energized. Like for the first time on this island, I gave hope. "Because of them..." I inhale preparing to say my final statement as everyone quiets to hear what I have to say. "We're home." The camp starts to cheer once more, screaming, yelling, some even whistling. I smile as everyone starts to hug one another. Minho was right... I knew exactly what to say. I start to smile at the fact when someone grasps me into a hug. They release showing the man himself, Minho, with actual tears in his eyes. "Y/N, that was perfect!" He compliments. "Nicely done kid." Vince walks up with a smile. "Girl power am I right!" Brenda announces coming up with a high five. I watch as Gally walks up without saying anything. Everyone turns their head towards him as he just looks up at everyone. "Nothing to say Gally?" Minho asks as he just shakes his head. My hopes start to lower when Gally's judgy look turns into a smile and a laugh. "I'm kidding!" He chuckles slightly hitting my shoulder. "That was impressive. Even got ol' Minho here to tear up." Gally teases as the Asian socks him in the arm. They laugh as I watch Thomas walk up with a smile. "Vince, you got yourself a mini leader here. She might even take your spot as camp leader." Thomas mentions winking at me. "Well she's still got a lot to learn-." Vince tries to continue before Frypan aggressively hooks his arms around Minho and Gally's neck. "Enough chit-chat. I got a whole feast prepared that's gettin' cold." Frypan laughs, "Oh and Y/N. Great speech." He mentions before Minho pushes him off playfully. These are the times I love. That we can finally joke around, and live a somewhat normal life. I watch as everyone chuckles while walking together to the Kitchen hut. This is my family. "Y/N! You comin'?" Fry yells as the rest of the group turn to me. "Wait up!" I shout with a smile before sprinting in their direction.

Third Person POV *358 Days Earlier*
       "Sir, you need to see this!" The wicked guard informs the man in charge named Mason. The older man, around his 40's, walks over to the screen the guard is referring to. Mason is a tall man has pale skin, graying hair, and is in business uniform. "Dr. Ava Paige's city is falling." The guard answers showing the camera's of the city. The facility's alarms are going off while doctors and workers are shouting in fear. They watch as Y/N, Thomas, and Newt shoot at the soldiers. "Wait woah go back." Mason orders. They rewind the recording back showing the three faces of the immunes. "Run a background check! Find out who these people are!" He angrily demands as all the workers get to work scanning the faces of the imposters. "They were in the Maze sir." One scientist points out. "Who. Are, They." Mason aggressively breaths between every word inches away from the scientist's face. "Subject A'5, A'2, and A'1. Newt, Thomas, and Y/N. But somethings different about Y/N's profile." The doctor examines the screen closer, his eyes widening. "Sir, Ava Paige figured it out. Y/N has the antibodies that destroy the virus." The doctor finishes with hope in his eyes. Mason's eyes widen. "Get a burg!" He orders to the guards in red and blue uniforms. "Fly to that coordinate and find Subject A'1!" He turns back to the screen seeing the girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. "And we need her alive."

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