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You awoke the next morning to a knock at your door. You sat up slowly, still half asleep. Wiping the drool off your chin, you opened the door to reveal Minho who took one look at you and your tangled hair and snorted.

"It's okay, you can laugh," you chuckled, gesturing to your hair,  "I know I look like a mess." He let out a breathy laugh, it kinda sounded like a seal barking, and it made you laugh along with him. When you both calmed down, he looked at you and smirked a little.

"Come on in," he followed you into the room and you grabbed the brush they had sent up in the box for you so you could try to tame your hair.

"You okay, Teenie Greenie?"

"Yeah I'm okay, but don't call me that," you said scrunching up your nose as if you had smelled something foul, making him laugh again.

"Okay, okay. Wanna head down to breakfast before you start trying out jobs?"

"Sure, lemme just get dressed real quick," when  he didn't turn to leave, you raised an eyebrow at him and walked over to the door, "Alone please, Minho."

"Ah, yeah I'll uh, wait outside." 

"I'll be out in a few minutes." You closed the door and went to get ready.


You and Minho walked to the dining area where you met up with Chuck and Newt. The four of you ate breakfast together before Alby waved you over to where he was standing with another Glader. Newt got up and walked over with you.

"Y/N, This is Zart, the trackhoes' keeper. They work the gardens. I thought you'd like to start off the job tour with a friend," He gestured to Newt, "so you'll be shadowing Newt today. Digging, planting, picking veggies and stuff. Sound good?"

"Good that," you said, trying out the Gladers' slang. The older boy nodded, and you, Newt and Zart walked towards the gardens.


Hey y'all, This was a short one, as promised. The next few will be longer though, I just need to find some more time to write. I have like, four other projects going on at the moment, some are personal and some I can't wait to share with you!! 

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, it's gonna be a fairly lengthy one seeing as how I'm planning something big for the end, but that's a surprise!! 

Okay, have a great day, byeeee <3

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