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You watched the Greenie get his tour of the Glade from the watchtower where you sat with Minho. Newt was with Alby giving the tour and Chuck was following them from a couple yards behind, clearly waiting for his chance to become friends with the brunette boy.

"So," Minho said, interrupting your train of thought.


"About yesterday..." He began shyly. You groaned. He had been trying to get you to talk about your... encounter, all day.


"What? You can't just kiss a shank out of nowhere like that and expect him to not ask questions."

"Alright,  alright, slim it, would you? I don't want all these slintheads hearing."

"What, you embarrassed girly girl?" You rolled your eyes and shook your head slightly.

"No. Ask your questions."

"So," he began, "You like me, right? Like more than friends?"


"And, and I like you too. Like a lot. Um but what do we do? About liking each other?"

"Oh, um I don't know." You wracked your brain trying to remember what it was called, when two people liked each other more than they liked other people, in a relationship. What were the words for the two people?

"Shuck I don't know, um..." You looked at him for help.

"Favorites," He said. You gave him a confused look. he saw it and explained, "You're my favorite person here. And, I'm... yours," You nodded to confirm, "so we can be each other's favorites."

"Cute. Um, maybe. How about partners?" The two of you went back and fourth like that for a couple of minutes, trying to find a word that felt right. You decided that "significant other" described your relationship best. You were together. You were with Minho. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder. He shifter awkwardly for a couple seconds before moving his arm so it wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

About an hour later, Frypan came out of the kitchen waving a dishtowel to get your attention.

"Lima Bean!" He was shouting and waving his arms at you from the base of the watch tower. You picked your head up off of Minho's shoulder and sighed.

"That's my cue, I guess."

"No don't go," he said.

"I have to."

"Stay with me."

"I can't I have to work."

"Fine," He pouted, "But first..." He grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours. As he pulled away he made a big, forced, smacking noise.

"MWAH!! Now go, you have to work." You were stunned for a second and then smiled at him.

"You are so weird. Come on, you can watch us cook." Minho stood up lightening fast when he heard your offer. He followed you down the watch tower ladder and to the kitchens, holding your hand and dragging you behind him the whole way, like a little kid excited to show someone something. You vaguely remember bright colors on a clean wall. You felt almost nostalgic. It was weird. You shrugged off the strange feeling and made your way to the kitchen.

Minho's Perspective

I was sitting on a stool in a corner of the kitchen watching while Y/N and Frypan cooked dinner. I was practically mesmerized by the way Y/N moved around the kitchen. She was so graceful. She moved so quickly through the motions of preparing each ingredient. Right now she was chopping up onions.

The kitchen was getting hot with three people and the stove and oven turned on at the same time. I pulled my shirt away from my chest a few times in an attempt to create a breeze or something. I was boiling.

"AGH!" Y/N growled and slammed her knife on the counter. She pulled at the hem of the thin sweater she was wearing. The sleeves were too long and the collar was so wide that it was falling off her left shoulder. She kept getting tangled in the fabric. I chuckled lightly when she walked over to me, looking defeated.

"If it makes you feel better, I was betting on you winning that fight. Who would have thought the shirt would win?"

"Slim it and help me, would you?" My eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow. Was she serious? She looked at me expectantly and held out her arms, "Well? Let's go."

"Okay..." I grabbed the bottom hem of the sweater and pulled it up. She kept her arms out in front of her, bent over at the waist, and shuffled backwards out of her top layer. She had a thick-strapped green tank top underneath. I liked green. It looked pretty on her.

"Is this gonna be a thing I do now? You gonna have me undress you all the time?" She shot me a dirty look over her shoulder and began to slice the onions again. She faced the cutting board once more.

"You do realize I'm holding a knife, don't you?" I burst out laughing.

"Was that a threat?"

"Maybe, if you don't stop being such a punk."

"Ay, you aren't slicing up anyone with my knives, Lima bean," Frypan called from the stove.

"Alright, alright. Slim it nice and calm there, buddy." She turned to flash me a big smile before getting back to work.

The kitchen may have been hot, but the smells made melting on that stupid little stool worth it. Y/N served everyone their dinner and then handed me and Fry our plates. She shoved a forkful of enchilada into her mouth. Immediate regret, is how I would describe the look on her face.

"Hasaffahaa!"Me and Fry looked at her confused.

"Pardon?" Frypan questioned.


"Come again?" I asked. She swallowed hard and coughed a couple times.

"Ahem," She cleared her throat before explaining the alien noises she was making, " These are still really hot. Um. Don't try to eat yet."

"Ah," I looked over at Frypan and smirked, "Fry?"


"Do you wait for your food to cool off before you shovel it into your mouth, or do you just 'hasaffashaha' until it's safe to chew?" Frypan laughed hard at my joke. Y/N rolled her eyes but I could see her trying to hide her smile. God, I loved that smile.

We ate and talked for a while before cleaning up the mess the other guys had made in the dining area and heading towards the bonfire. Y/N had slipped her sweater back over her head, but she was clearly still cold.

"I'll be right back, ." I kissed the top of her head and jogged towards my room. I picked my sweatshirt off the back of the door and ran back to were she was waiting for me.

"Stand still, bug." She raised an eyebrow at me but did as I said. I pulled the mass of fabric over her head.
Y/N's Perspective

My head popped through the collar of the sweatshirt, and Minho pulled the hood over my head. My arms still weren't in the sleeves yet, so I pushed them through. The sweatshirt was kind of big on me, but it was warm, and it was his. I smiled.

"I'm never getting this back, am I?"

"Nope," I said and slipped my hand into his.

"Looks better on you anyways," he complimented.

"Slim it," I giggled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we started walking towards the bonfire again. He pulled me close and kissed my temple and we joined our friends to watch tonight's main event and the first tradition the greenies experienced:

The fight with Gally.
Hi friendssss I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

I'm sad to say it's almost over. 🥲

Let's play a game! In the comments, see if you can guess what my big surprise for the ending is going to be!

I love y'all have a good dayyyyy!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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