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Yesterday's events had left everyone in shock. You woke up early this morning like you always did to get ready to go to the kitchen for work. You brushed you hair and your teeth and changed half way out of your pajamas without incident. But when your fingers brushed against the cuts the new girl had left on your shoulders you felt your breath catch in your throat.

You felt all of the horrible emotions you'd ever felt in the Glade all at once. You remembered the discomfort you'd felt yesterday when the girl's eyes pierced into your own. You remembered the nausea you felt whenever Gally was the last person left in the dining area.

The pure unadulterated fear you'd felt when Gally and his friends attacked you.

The burning, aching, pain you'd felt when you lost the fight your first night in the Glade.

And the shucking nostalgic feeling you couldn't seem to shake.

Your knees suddenly buckled beneath you and let a sob escape you. Everything hurt. You started choking on the air. Minho ran into the bathroom from your bedroom across the hall and crouched down on the floor next to you.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? What's happening?" He had a hand on your bare back, rubbing small, slow circles. You tried to speak, tried to tell him but when you opened your mouth you had to lunge forward towards the toilet. He pulled your hair away from your face as you retched, your body trying hard to expel all of the bad things it was feeling.

When you had finished spilling your guts, you leaned up against the wall of the old wooden house. Minho flushed the toilet and ran a cloth under some cold water. He wiped your face and helped you brush your teeth and put your pajamas back on. When he was done he picked you up, cradling you like a baby, and brought you back to bed.

He ticked you in and kissed you on the forehead before turning around to leave. In a sudden panic, you called his name.

"Minho," you rasped out. He turned around, a look of concern in his eyes, "Stay with me."

He moved back towards you and sat down on the edge of the bed, "I have to go get Clint, Y/N. Gotta make sure you're all healthy and stuff." He was petting your hair and you could feel yourself dozing off.

"Please stay," you pleaded, "please." He checked his watch. You assumed he decided that it was too early to wake anyone up, because he sighed and crawled back under the covers with you. You turned over slowly so your back was facing him and he pulled you close.

"Turn over," he said. And you did, you turned back to face him and he smiled sleepily at you. You buried your face in his chest and he kissed top of your head.

He pet your hair as you fell asleep to the sounds of his heart beat and his steady breathing.

The last thing you heard before drifting off completely was Minho whispering.

"I'll stay with you, Y/N. I'll stay with you forever, I promise."
Hi friends, here's a quick chapter for you.

There will be a bunch of updates soon, so stay tuned.

I've prewritten a lot of the next few chapters and let me just say, ouch 🥲

Tell me what you think will happen in the comments!

Love you all, have a nice day ❤️❤️❤️

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