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"I'm gonna save everyone." With those four words, you pulled yourself from his embrace and ran out of the homestead. You knew he was following you, but you also knew the griever would see you first, so it was okay. You just hoped the end was quick. 

"Y/N!" You ignored his shouts. 

"Hey," You yelled at the disgusting machine, "Come and get me, you ugly piece of klunk!"

It happened in slow motion. 

The grotesque thing moved towards you, slow but determined, metal appendages swinging wildly in your direction. 

"No!" You heard Minho scream. You turned to face him, to see his face one last time. That's when it happened. It didn't hurt necessarily. You didn't really feel the blade pierce your skin and you didn't feel it leave either. But you felt Minho's heart break as he watched you crumble to the grassy ground of the Glade, your home. The griever was already making it's exit, leaving you without a care as expected. 

Minho rushed to your side, the gladers pouring out of the homestead, led by Clint and Jeff, coming to your aide as quickly as they could. 

"No... No!" Minho let his tears flow freely now, and you sobbed with him as you bled out in his arms.

"It's okay, it's okay. Everything is gonna be okay. You're gonna be safe, and, and... And Thomas is going to get you guys out of here, right," you looked at Thomas and found his brown eyes staring down at you sadly, "Right, Thomas?"

"I'm gonna do my best, okay? I'll try, I promise."

"Thank you. Thank you all," You looked back at Minho, trying to ignore the sound of sniffling around you, "Minho."

"What? Y/N, Y/N please. Come on, you... You said you'd stay forever. You promised."

"I'm sorry."

"Please... Y/N, st-stay with me... please..."

"I'm sorry, Minho, I lov-" 

Silence rang through the Glade and it was the loudest sound anyone had heard. 

"No... no no NO! Come on! Clint, Jeff, do something, please!"

Your eyes glazed over. Your next breath never came. Your last tears fell and it was over. You were gone. And the fate of the Glade, your friends, Minho, your family, were in Thomas's hands now. 

It was a peaceful death, you thought in your last moments, gruesome, yet peaceful. In death, you were happy. In death, you knew they would forgive you for leaving them. 

And when everything went dark,

When everything became silent, 

You thought of Minho. 

And you were happy. 

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