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Ilana and I didn't speak about what happened this morning. It had my heart flutter though. It had to be the longest I had ever slept though everyday since I was young I'd get up at 2am on the dot. That's when my father would return from work and despite him being long gone the habit remains. I'm sitting in class the normal few girls staring me down like vultures waiting on a dead carcass I roll my eyes and continue to work. Looking out of the corner of my eye I see Ilana walk by then not soon after a person with his hood up followed. That's odd but not something to worry about I don't think. Im relieved when I see her walk back humming to herself.

Not long after the same figure follows. I ignore it I've been working on not being so paranoid though it's proven very difficult. The bell rings and it's time for lunch I hold myself back from scarfing down my food like I've done before. Ilana is sitting with me and Octus when a familiar boy comes up.

"Hey Ilana wanna talk" she looks uncomfortable and say "No thank you I'd like to enjoy my meal with my friends." I look at her "Is everything ok?" I ask. She snaps out of her stunned state and nods "ofcourse perfectly perfect."

I have a deep suspicion she is lying but I shouldn't pry. We both head to gym class together striking up a conversation we laugh at some of our earliest memories on earth.

"Yeah we used to butt heads alot.!" She says "Yeah we did things have changed so much I think I..." I stop myself realizing what I might have said. "I think I have started to become great friends with you." I smile and she does back. Good save I say to myself.

We decided to play soccor it was such a satisfying match though neither Ilana nor I were holding back. I always seemed to come alive in a way when I was in battle craving it at times thankfully having a rivalry and a worthy opponent gave me a similar feeling. Ilana gets ready to kick the ball when she trips I rush over and catch her before she falls.

"Thanks but how'd you do that you had to have been a yard away from me." She says curiously. "I guess I had a good reason to get over hear I've trained most of my life to be the fastest and stonges this is no acception."

I let go of her once she regains her footing before she rushes past me with the ball laughing she tricked me I smirk running after her. She takes the shot and laughs when she scored a goal. She looks over her shoulder at me giving me her usual caring look and sticks her tongue out at me. I felt my heart flutter despite maintaining my usual smirk. Alright round two I smirk as we set up.

The princess and her wolf (symbionic titan)Where stories live. Discover now