Sudden changes

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We come to a lake where we see something massive. I take a second taking a breath trying to calm down before I catch up to them.

Octus scans it and speaks "Hmm looks like a Aligattor mississippiensis."

I look confused "A what?"

He looks at me and refraises his answer "Its an alligator."

I nod and we move closer it looks dead. Ilana moves closer to it when suddenly it roars to life its tail moves swiftly knocking Octus and I out of the way then doing the same to Ilana who sinks below the water.

I'm furious but activate my manus suit standing at defense about to tear the damn think apart. Im about to strike when Ilana springs from the water tackling the massive creature. Howd she get so strong she has it in a death grip when it breaks free grabbing her in its mouth.

"Ilana!" I yell

I feel the stress bubbling within my body. She breaks free and gets on top of it grabbing its upper and lower jaw before snap she broke it in half the beast going limp in the water. My body is aching but I deactivate Manus and stumble breathing in and out trying to relax. Standing up straight as Octus and I stare in shock.

Ilana takes down her hood revealing a head similar to that of the Muculux. Octus and I stare in shock shes confused but gets a glimpse of her reflection in the water and gasps. My body is still struggling to fight the anxiety from letting the beast break its way through but I slowly walk towards her.

"Ilana?" I softly say before she looks up at me.

"Dont look at me I'm a monster!" she shrieks

Before running deeper into the swamp. I try to grab her only to have her just out of my reach.

I let out a roar. How did I not notice how did I let this happen to her. Im pacing like a caged animal.

"Lance your heart rate is rising I think you should calm down. It's still possible your emotions could be linked to your transformation"

I go white I cant let that happen we have to find Ilana.

"Come on Octus we have to find her."

Im struggling holding my stomach but continueing to move until the pain fades. We continue into the swamp when we find her and the Muculox she stares at us blankly shes under his control. "What do we do?" I think to myself when it lets out a shriek we hear a creek in the swamp and see its ship approach. We turn around ready to fight when we see Ilana's eyes change she rips off her cloths revealing her changed body. She charges at us first attacking Octus then turns to me. She pins me down Im blocking her attacks

"Ilana look at me you know who I am this isnt you." she stops

Her eyes returning to her normal color her grip relaxes and I crawl from her.

She sits there motionless her arms resting at her sides I move towards her when the Muculox knocks me aside. I growl at it when it lets out another shriek changing back to his slave.

"Octus catch her!" I yell

I activate Manus and go after the creature Ilana breaks free of Octus's bubble kicking him into the trees like a soccor ball. The ship is taking off and the creature lets out a clicking noice and with that Ilana jumps into the ship.

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