Whats happening

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I look in the mirror and see my eyes glowing. My body feels like its on fire i let out another groan. I look at my reflection again and i see sweat dripping off my face. "Whats happening to me?" I pant. Just then as fast as it came the feeling was soon gone. I walk back to my room where I see ilana is awake. "Did you sleep alright" I ask her. She turns around to face me and nods with a smile on he face. "Did you she?" asked. I nodded yet i knew that it was far from a good nights sleep. I had to figure out what was happening to me before something bad happened. All I could think about was Iliana and what she would think of me if she knew what was going on the way she looked at that monster the thought of her looking at me that way was enough to make me wanna cry but I knew that I could not I was a warrior and I had to act like it for Ilana's sake.

The next day at school Ilana and I walked to class. With octus and his girlfriend not far behind. lance are you sure you are alright she whispers to me. All I do is nod and smile at her yet inside i was scared. In the back of my mind thinking I'm over reacting a bite can't do this I'm gonna be fine. We sat down next to each other in class. I was sketching a picture of Ilana she always looked so beautiful. I looked down at my hands and saw claws starting to grow. I quickly raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. With that i run out of the class and into that bathroom. I look at my hands as they grow bigger and the claws get longer I close my eyes and breath and when I open them again they are gone. "Whats going on?" i ask myself. I felt terrible so weak and tired. I walk back into the class room and sit back down. "Lance are you alright" i hear Ilana say. "Of course I am!" quickly answer.

The day felt like it was dragging on and on finally it was time for lunch and I was starved as if i hadn't eaten for days. When I got my food right as I sat down i scarfed it down every last bite i look up from my tray and see all these people looking at me. I run into the bathroom again and sit down in the corner and hold my face in my hands something very wrong with me I'm changing into something i dont know and it's something that I'm afraid of. Suddenly Octus came in. He looked at me and I looked at him with pleading eyes i begged dont tell Ilana. All he did was nod. He crouched down next to me. "Lance what is happening" he asked me. I look at him thats the thing Octus i dont know but something is trying to get out of me and it's not good I'm always angry and I'm have short episodes where something changes into to something I can't tell. He looked at me once more lance i thing your turning into a lycanthrope. Octus English i say with that he sighs at my lack of knowledge your turning into a werewolf. Hearing this i was consumed with fear and anger. "That's not possible!" I roar He tried to calm me down the full moon is coming up thats the first time you will fully change and you won't be in control of what you do he said concerned. I look at him again and ask for another favor Octus before that happens you need to get ilana far away from me and you have to make sure i won't hurt anyone. Promise me Octus i beg. He looks at me and nods. I give a sigh of relief before going out again then before I knew it it was time to go home.

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