3.The gifted

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Julie's POV

"Ok, so Alex, you and Reggie go and find Willie and bring him here! Me and Luke will start finding something for the song and Flynn, will you please get the backpacks in my room so we can have more space to work?" I say.

"Honey I will get yours, my mom just texted me to go home ASAP. But I will check up on you later!" she says and than she kisses my check, getting my backpack. "Bye guys, see you later!" Flynn says before vanishing on the door.

I turn around to see Reggie with his mouth and eyes wide open, looking after my bestfriend.

"Reg, can you make it even more obvious?" I ask to mock him. "You know. Flynn still doesn't have a partner for the prom, maybe you should ask her to go with you!"

"She doesn't? I mean she is so beautiful, how can she not have a partner?"

"Someone has a crush on Flynn, would you look at that." I say as I try to keep myself from busting in laugh like a psycho. "Ok, discussion time is later, now go and find Willie!"

As soon as I finished speaking the two poofed out, living me and Luke alone.

"So I was thinking, we need to write a song really quick. sooo I thought maybe we can search thru your dream box for something!" Like says smiling like a saint. I knew the curiosity he had last night is gonna be back soon. I don't know if I am ready to do this.

"Luke, I don't know how to think about this.."

"C'mon Julie, think how good the song got the last time I got thru your box, you have literally gold in there." Luke says and takes my hand in his and glares into my eyes. Argh, I can't think clear when he does this.

"Fine, but just this time, ok?" I say as he shakes his head exited.

I have a tone of songs over there, which are the chances to see that one? Or maybe I can hide it as I go upstairs after the box.

but while I was caught in my thoughts Luke poofes in front of me with the box in his hand. Perfect Julie, you and your slow brain.

"Let's get started then." Luke says.

I can see he is very exited about this. His smile is brighter than ever and his eyes are sparkling like crazy, After not ever 3 minutes of looking he gets a paper up and comes next to me saying that he found the perfect song for prom. Please not Perfect Harmony, pleas be any other song, please..

As always the universe hates me and when I look on the paper in was indeed Perfect Harmony. Why?

"I never thought you are such a romantic Jules." he mocks me. "But I really like this song, who is this about?" he smiles at me. God no..

Right when I was about to tell him the truth, Alex, Reggie and Willie poof in the studio. Thank you Jesus.

"Hey, we brought Willie. Julie this is Willie, Willie this is Julie." Alex says.

"Hi, so nice to finally meet you! Are you aware why they brought you here?" I ask politely.

"Yes but I don't understand, why me? I mean you just met me, literally. Why would you help me?" Willie asks.

"Look, even if he doesn't admit it, you make Alex happy, you are the best thing that happened to him, so I would do anything for you two to be happy, I would do anything for all of you guys to be happy. It doesn't matter if I just met you as long as I see one of my boys happy around you!" I say as I look at Alex, he is o the bridge to cry, but he tries not to. "I didn't ask you tho, are you ok with that, I mean you wanna do it?"

"Of course, it would be the best gift I could get to be free and able to be with Alex." Willie says.

As I was move my sight to Alex I saw a smile creeping onto his face, trying to hide it he lets his head down, facing his feet. A smile take place on my face, he was such a shy lovebird.

"Then I guess we should start. I don't know exactly how I did it in the first place so it might take some failed tries before I figure it all out." I say as I approach Willie and took his hands in mine. I started to think about thinks that I feel makes me stronger when I think about it. First to come in my mind was mom, I started to think at everything that still make me stay connected to her, but its not working. I closed my eyes again as I started thinking about dad and Carlos, then comes Flynn and everything that makes me love them so much, but again I open my eyes to find nothing happening.

"Let me try again!" I say as Willie nods and mimes a "It's fine, take your time.". He is such a sweetheart boy, no wonder why Alex is so over his head with him.

I try one more time and close my eyes. The only ones that make me fell powerful were the boys themselves. Flashbacks of them and I start to go on and fly thru my mind. First song, first fight, first make-up after that fight, first eye-contact, first gig. When Alex came to me when Luke and I were mad at each other to make things right, when Reggie had a one-sided conversation for the first time with my dad, when both of them gave me and Luke a look every time we had one of our moments on stage. Luke, the one that stole my heart. The one who makes me feel comfortable on stage, the one that gave me my music back and the light to all of this.

"This is a interesting little relationship you and I have" he says as he glazed his beautiful hazel eyes at mine.

"We are all a little crazy." he says as I move the cross closer to him.

"Someone has a crush on Julie!" he says mocking Nick, without his knowledge.

As I was dancing with Nick there was a moment of slippery and I started daydreaming of Luke and I. He came thru the mirror and started singing to me, as he was coming one step at a time closer.

"Step into my world
A bittersweet love story about a girl
Shook me to the core
Voice like an angel I've never heard before."

"I think you make me a better writer!" he says scratching the back of his head. "I think we make each other better." I reply with a huge smile o my face.

And the thought of all of this made me realize how insanely in love I was with this boy. Suddenly I felt the power rushing thru my veins, but it wasn't enough, I needed to relief myself..

"I love you." I said for myself under my breath. I opened my eyes and I saw my hands glowing, and shortly after Willie started glow a bright shade of gold.

"Julie, you're glowing.." Luke says completely shocked. "Like, full body glowing." Luke continues. "So beautiful.." Luke whispers under his amazed breath.

I feel the power slow down as the climax was hit 2 seconds ago. I let go to Willie's hands, seeing the happiness hitting him like a perfect dream.

That's when I surely knew that I made my boys happy, and it make me feel as happy as I've ever been.

Hey you guys, what do you think about this chapter? Honestly I took a little more time to write it down because I thought this book needs a chapter like this, let me know what you think in the comments! <3

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