8. One month of torture

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Luke's POV

I could stay like this all curled up with Julie for the rest of my life and I wouldn't complain at all. This girl has taken over my mind very quickly, before I even knew it she got under my skin so smoothly you wouldn't ever notice it. The way she runs her fingers thru my hair makes me fall in love with her even more than I already am. Is it to early for the l- word?

We were staying like that in complete silence and it was really comfortable. She was stroking my face with her fingers while my head was resting on her chest, as I was listening to her heartbeat. Then she leaned down and started whispering into my ear.

"I have an idea for our song, let's go upstairs." I nod and we get up making no noise, I get my notebook, and we get out of the studio. We enter the house and meet Ray in the kitchen, making coffee.

"Hey guys! Why are you up so early? It's 7:30 am." he says looking at us still sleepy.

"We got an idea for a new song papi, we wanted to settle it down but we didn't want to wake the others. So I figured we would write it down in my room so we don't bother anyone." Julie says smiling and hugging her dad. He says he will let us know when the breakfast is ready and wished us luck. We go upstairs and enter Julie's room and she locks the door.

"What? I need privacy, and since you guys can't poof anymore, that should keep Reggie out of my room." she says noticing my face. She never locked the door before, or maybe she did and i never noticed because i was always poofing here instead of knocking on the door, but anyway she is so right about Reggie, this boy has the whorst timing possible.

Julie goes up to her electric piano and setting it up. She than takes a notebook and a pencil and starts writing things on it and mumbling something under her breath. After 5 minutes of me staring at this beautiful girl doing her magic in silence, she looks at me and hands me the notebook, which had now some lyrics writen on.

"So i was thinking, since is a highschool prom, we should have a more romantic song for the couples. Maybe a duet or something." she says as she sets up at the piano and starts to sing some notes.

"While got lost in this unforgiving world of hate,
Now we must wake up 'till it's not to late
Just freze those lies whithin the past
And hope

That you and I will be one again,
As long as we'll be free from this chains
And live our love as long as we can
Inside my heart we'll be once again
My real love"

When she stoped singing, she turned around so she is now facing me.

"So what do you think? With a little back notes and Reggie and Alex harmonising the chorus, it will be a bomb." she says, i cand read the exitement on her face.

"Jules this song is amazing, i think i have something in my notebook that matches the rithm of your part." I say smiling at the goddess that's staying in front of me, searching for some lyrics i wrote. "I never finished it, i just felt like something is missing and i got a writer block, but i think we cand adjust it to yours" i say handling her my notebook. She puts it in front of her as she starts playing some notes again.

"Shame on us
For living this painful lie
In vain we are
In love"  Julie sings, then scraches something on my notebook. The first and only person who is allowed to do that.

-fast forward 1 month, prom night-

This was a month of torture, Julie and i decided it was for the best to focus on the songs and the rehearsals, and she needed to focus on her studing for the exams that she had last week. Today is the prom, so we have one last rehearsal before we get ready for it as soon as Jules comes home from school.

"Hey guys, guess who has an A+ to all of her exams? MEEE!" she says as she starts to jump up and down, Reggie and Alex following her moves.

"I knew you were briliant Jules! Congrats!" I say as i give her a hug. She hugs me back as she is thanking me. This girl is wraping me around her fingers and she is still not aware of it. "Can we talk outside for a bit? I want to ask you something." I whisper in her ear as i notice her getting the chills, her body reacts so quick to me.
She drags me outside and then up in her room, and then she is locking her door so Reggie and Alex are not gonna peek to our conversation. She sets herself to the edge of her bed motioning me to get next to her.

"Julie, i was wondering if, you know, ifyouwouldcometothepromwithme?" I say quickly with my eyes closed.

"Luke" she says grabbing me by my shoulders. "Take a deep breath and say that one more time but go slower, you know i don't understand a word you say when you speak like that." she says smiling.

"Would you go to the prom with me, Julie? I mean only if you are not having a partener already.." i got cut of by Julies laugh.

"Of course i will go with you silly. I rejected all the other guys because i was waiting for my Romeo to ask me, took you long enough tho." she says smiling at me.

"I am your Romeo?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

"Well my name is Juliet so i need a Romeo, and who else could it be than you? Even tho i was losing hope you would invite me, you took your time!" she says hugging me thightly.

Well hello everyone, how is it going on for you? I just finished some homework catch-up and got some ideas for this chapter, so what do you think about it?

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