5. Golden

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Third person POV

Thru the whole diner time Ray and the boys got to know each other very well, and they got along like they were family. By the middle of the discussion Luke tip-toed his hand on Julie's thigh, a little above her knee. Julie tried to hide any motion, she didn't want to put themselves in an awkward situation.

-So you guys have everything you need in the studio? If you want I have some new mattresses in the storage you can use if you would like! Ray says with a glaze in his eyes Julie has never seen before.

She knew what that was about, he was truly happy and thankful. For the first time since her mom died he was happy with all his soul. He was so beyond thankful to the guys for bringing his daughter back to her music and help her get thru her mother's passing, that he was willing to do anything it takes for her to be herself again. She knew her dad, and she was happy to know that he was happy again. He was happy to see her family smiling truly again, and she was so thankful to her mom who was helping them to be the family they once were even if she wasn't there. Every single night before heading to bed Julie was speaking to her, and thank her for everything she does every day to make them all happy. Julie knew her mom could hear her and even if she never got a proper response from her, all the signs filled all the words she never hears back. The CD, the t-shirt, the boys, the gift, everything was due to her dear mother and she was well aware about it.

The diner ended in a high note with Reggie helping Ray clean and Alex learning Carlos to play chess. But of course it was all to let Julie and Luke some time to sort their things up.

"Boys, we will wait for you in the studio, me an Luke will go and get the beds ready. Dad, do you mind if I'm gonna stay a little more with the boys to catch up? Since it's their first night here maybe we will watch some movies or something." Julie says with a stunning smile.

Luke's POV

She smiled like a goddess. I could look at her all day and i would not get enough of her, what has this girl done to me? I wasn't the tipe to think like this about girls, my only thoughts were about music, how did this happened? She just mesmerized me with her glossy brown eyes and her soft curls. Not to mention that damn smile that gives me blank-brain when i see it every single time. I was falling for Julie and man was i falling hard as hell.

"Of course sweetie, you can sleep there if you want, but tomorrow at 10:30 am i want you all in for breakfast." Ray said with a glaze in his eyes and a wide smile. He was such a carrying father, and he loved his kids so much that it was obvious bear-eye.

"Of course Mr Molina, we'll see you in the morning, good night sir."

"Luke please just call me Ray, as long as you all make my daughter happy you are all part of the family." He respondes me, looking at all of us one by one. The boys started to smile and i could see in their eyes the happiness spreading. "Good night then, oh and Julie, if you need the mattresses from the storage the key in in the studio up in the loft." Ray says, kissing his daughter's forehead, then putting an arm on my shoulder as he was looking at me lovingly.

"Ok dad, thanks, good night. Good night Carlos!" She said as she got to the couch and hugged her brother.

"Good night guys, see you tomorrow." Carlos says as he was making his move on the chess table.

"Good night little dude!" I say as I raise my hand in sign of goodbye.

Julie and I head outside and leave the house. Once we stepped outside the house i grab Julie's hand as we started heading to the studio and then to storage in the back yard to get the mattresses. After getting them in the studio and got them done for the night me and Julie sat on the couch.

"I think we need to talk, Luke. I know it's not easy but we need to." Julie was the first to speak. And dang it she was right, it was so difficult for me to open up to her even tho i knew how she feel for me, and i needed to do it if i wanted her to know that i am in love.

"You already said what you needed to say, so I guess it's my turn. Julie, I need to show you something." I say reaching for my notebook which was hide under the couch. I opened it to the song I wrote after we preformed Finally free, the night I knew I was completely absorbed by the one and only girl who made me focus on her and feel alive doing it. "You are not the only one who wrote a song, Julie. This is very a very special and personal song I wrote one night thinking of you, I think this is gonna say what I should've said earlier today, when I let you leave without telling you a word."

I reached my acoustic guitar and place the notebook in Julie's shaking hands. She was surprised hearing the words which just left my mouth, starting to read the lyrics and trying to understand my sloppy handwriting. She starts smiling and her eyes start to gather little tears in the corners making themselves even more glossy and shiny than usual.

I started playing the first chords as she glazed at me, widening her lovely smile even more.

Golden, Golden, Golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus, hoping
Take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
Im hopeless, broken
So you wait for me in the sky
Browns my skin just right
Youre so Golden

I was making eye-contact with Julie the whole time, trying to express my feelings as best as I could. I was staring at her analyzing her facial expressions, admiring her smile.

Youre so Golden,
Im out of my head
And I know that youre scared
Because hearts get broken

I dont wanna be alone
I dont wanna be alone
When it ends
Dont wanna let you know
I dont wanna be alone
But I can feel it take a hold
I can feel you take control
Of who I am and all Ive ever known
Loving yous the antidote

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