12. Bets

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Luke's POV

I literally just kissed her? I did that? I LITERALLY JUST KISSED JULIE GODDAMN MOLINA!
Am i dreaming again? Nope, feels real, she tastes like strawberries and man do i love strawberries? Hell yeah. It's even better than i remembered, her lips are so soft.
At some point we both pull back only to rest our foreheads onto eachother. Man that was intense.

Julie's POV

Oh boy this was definitely something i would like to try again. And again. And again, you get the point.

"Look Julie, i know that the world is kinda crazy right now around us, and you are kinda busy finding out what happened tonight but would you, maybe someday, be my girlfriend?" He says, moving a piece of hair away from my face.
My heart just went racing.
Let me tell y'all that.

"If someday means from now on than yes, i would pretty much like to be your girl." i say.

My smile? Bigger than ever. We did took our time to roll along this relationship, but i enjoy every second of it. 
Flynn is gonna love this. And Reggie, our number 1 shipper. And Alex, and Willie.
Everybody is gonna flip.

"So how do you plan on announcing the big news? You know everybody is going to flip.." he says glaring at the sky.

Is he reading minds now to?

"We'll see. We have our sleepover tonight, and by how i know Flynn, she is gonna be here by 11am, so let's let it be natural. Let's see who is going to be the first to notice, it's gonna be fun." i  say smiling, while i shiver a little. I never realized how cold it got outside.

"You're shivering. Here." he says taking his zipping hoodie off and putting it around my shoulders.

"Luke you are gonna freeze like that. I can go inside and get something-"

"Julie, i don't feel temperature, remember? Ghost stuff."he says.
(a/n: ✨ghost stuff✨, got it? Like ✨GiRl stUff✨.. got it?.. no? Ok, imma just shut up.. yeah.)

"Than why were you wearing it if you weren't cold?" I say. Is he starting to like sleeves? Does he have fever or something?

"I thought you liked me better with sleeves.." he says.

"Dummy, i like you just the way you are, don't ever change for me."

We chat for another good hour, and kiss. A lot of kissing, huging, y'all know. After that he got into the studio and i got to bed. I finally fell asleep after a lot of thinking and smiling. It finally happened. Luke and i were finally in a relationship. My stomach was having a party of some kind just by thinking about it. The next morning i woke up early, i needed to clean and get the house ready for tonight's sleepover. After i took a shower and got all clean i started cleaning the kitchen. I connected my phone to my speaker and blasted some music while i was cleaning and singing along.

"I've seen the devil, yeah i met him last night.."

"One conversation, now he's spending the night." Flynn busted my door joining me.

"I think i love him tho i know it ain't right."  We both sing.

I guess the boys heard us because they come in and started chanting

"Girls that was awesome!" Luke said winking my way. He is "so smooth" when it come to act natural.

"Julybean and Flynnie? My favourite duo, oh my goodness i'm blown up! Someone catch me." Reggie says hugging Flynn. These two need to make it official like now.

"Reggie i told you to not call me Flynnie!" Flynn says.

"Julybean? Really Reggie?" I say instantly after Flynn finished her sentence.

"Well my favourite duo is still Jules and Luke! I mean have you seen that spark between them on stage? And that flirting? Oh my god stop it." Alex says sitting on my kitchen counter.

"That makes two of us, that flirting is gonna get me killed if you two don't make it official ASAP." Willie says sitting in front of Alex, with his hand on Alex's knee. These two, agh.

"Me three, me and Reggie are the number one Juke shippers. And i suggest make that Juke magic happend soon, because all month you two have been flirting like crazy wolves." Flynn says.

I take a look at Luke, he is smiling like a psychopath, at the back of the table, where no one but me can see him.

"Flirting? Since when?" I say.

"Don't even get me started girlie, you sure know." Flynn says.

"I don't even know how to flirt honeys, sorry to disappoint y'all." I say finishing the last touch-ups.

"You very much do, darling." a very amused voice says.

"I swear to god i am gonna murder you, you really didn't just call me "darling", did you?!" I say looking up to the dumbass who was supposed to act natural.

"Darling? Girl, did i miss something?" Flynn says looking at me. I cant lie to Flynn even if i purely want to, she just looks at me and knows. In 0.2 seconds i was dragged by Flynn up to my room, the boys just standing there and wondering what is going on.

"Tell me everything. Now." She says locking my door and sitting me down on my bed.

"Well last night we we're on my rooftop and.."

I told her every single detail about it, not that she would kill me if i wouldn't do it.

"Miss gurl, i told you he would do it, Reggie owns me 20 bucks." Flynn says.

"I can't believe you and Reggie made a bet over such a thing."

"It wasn't my idea, Alex and Willie made the first bet, on a date or something. I am more of a money person when it comes to bets." Flynn smiles.

"I am going to murder you all, kitchen, now." I say storming out.

"REGGIE YOU OWN ME 20 BUCKS LOSER." Flynn shouted.

"Told you babe, when and where are we having our date." Alex says.

"I officially hate y'all." I say.

Luke just looks at us like we are some sort of aliens. He doesn't know about the bets.

"They didn't told you, did they? Man, screw me, i'm glad i didn't miss this." I say.

I have a announcement to make, i will do another jatp related story, i will start writing on it tonight. Stay tuneeeddd. :)

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