Chapter Forty Four - King Henry and Queen Hope

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I sat beside Henry in the council meeting learning of my Aunts movements from Jasper.

"They have arrived in Ireland with a fleet of ships and 2,000 Flemish mercenaries. The Irish have welcomed them with open arms and they are preparing to invade." he informed us

"I must fight to save my crown against a peasant boy." Henry stated

"When do you ride out?" I ask

"Dawn." he answers. I looked down, reigning in my emotions, I did not speak for the rest of the meeting and left quietly. That evening I brought Arthur to his fathers rooms. Henry was in his bed when I entered. He sat up and the doors closed

"I thought you would like to say goodbye to him." I offered "There is something I wish to ask you."

"Do not fight."

"You would have me stay here?" he asked "Let them storm the gate?"

"No, I would never ask that of you. Lead your men onto the field but do not risk your own life. Do not fight in person." I pleaded

"If I died you would be rid of me. Your mother safe, your cousin free to take the throne." he stated

"Henry, I can think of no other way to prove to you that I love you and that I am with you. I don't want you to die." I took out a small pair of scissors and cut some of Arthur's hair, then a lock of mine

"While you are out on the field and I am at Maggie's wedding. Take this with you." I handed the locks to him and closed his hand "Promise me you will not fight. Come home, come home to us, to me so we could start our life together ." I kissed his hand then looked back to our sleeping Arthur.


Lizzie, Lady Margaret, Cecily, Lord Alexander, Arthur and I walked down Westminster Abbey for Maggie's wedding. But my thoughts and Heart was with Henry. Maggie scared, glided down to her betrothed. During there ceremony Arthur began to cry, I took him from his nursemaid and cradled him, trying to soothe him.

Please God, save my Henry. I prayed trying to soothe my son. I held him close, he settled and Maggie was married. We left the service and I handed him back to his nurse maid. I was then passed a note. I opened it up.

My dearest Hope.

Yes, I have the means to write and I know how that will hurt you. But there is something i must tell you, as painful as it is. When you were first with child, with Arthur, I knew then that he'd never be the King. I don't know where my sight comes from but I could see it. Curse me if you will. And hold your boy close, but Hope you must change allegiance and back your brothers claim for England. I know he will return to us.

"She is writing letters." I tell my sisters looking up. They both stop and turn their attention to me.

"Who is writing letters?" Cecily question looking over my shoulder "Our mother. Of course she is."

"What does she say?" Lizzie asked

"Lady Margaret said it was her who funds the York army" Cecily whispered

"She is ill wishing Arthur. She say he will not be King. She is wishing him to die." I told them. Lizzie took my arm

"Don't listen to her." Lizzie orders me resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Lizzie's right she's always on her side, never ours. She will say whichever words best serve her own cause. Whether they're true or not. Now we must go and help Maggie with her marriage bed." Cecily added

"Lizzie and I will follow you in a moment." I told her, Cecily nodded leaving us.

"She is grasping at thin air. I know she is, I have seen me as Queen and my son as King. Papa even saw it." I say "He was right, I have to protect my crown at all cost, even that means turning my back on my mother. But I would never..."

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